An update on life.

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     I realize that I have so many chapters that I've started writing but never got around to finishing. They're about Hamilton, sex-ed, books, what life at a private school is like, and existensial crisises. So maybe I'll finish them one day.

     An update on life:

     It's a Friday that I'm writing this. We're expecting snow in my town, and lots of it. We rarely ever get snow, so this is kind of a major deal. One weather man said a foot, another said four inches. Hopefully, we won't go to school on Monday due to the temperatures and the ice. One can only keep their fingers crossed and their prayers strong.

     I went to dance today. Contemporary and jazz class. Heard sirens outside, blending in with the beating cold rain. It was the firemen, and I noticed that they were right in front of our studio. Nothing was on fire, no cars had been flipped. There was only a single car in the parking lot across the street, and there were no policemen, only firemen. It looked like they were using the jaws of life to get someone out of the backseat. We looked away, as it felt right to do. We continued with class.

     Some college guy sitting in on my Spanish class said I looked like a character straight from Harry Potter. Made my day, as it would.

     I'm horrible at sports. Played wiffle ball in PE -- was epic at it. One time, though, I hit the ball behind me and into the trashcan behind me. Our team still won.

     Ronan Lynch is literally amazing okay. He's everything. We must protect the cutie that is Ronan Lynch.

     Listened to Hamilton with my dad in the car. Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story? Cried a little.

     Progressively gets more tired as I'm typing this.



     Scratched back into existance an old scar mark. That's gotta be a metaphor.

     Currently listening to: I Found by Amber Run. Acoustic version. Heard it during contemporary class. Added it to the playlist for my novel.

     Realizes how much so many people know about me that I really wish I never would have shared.

     Realizes how that sentence is practically unreadable.

     Realizes that Blubs and Durland are most def a thing.

     Realizes many things.

     Realizes that I feel like 2016 is really about, just the year of realizing stuff.

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