Worse than Ebola tbh.

13 0 0

2-4-17 (4-2-17)

*parts a beaded curtain, soft jazz music playing in the background, incense burning*

*sips the glass of lemonade in my hand*

Oh hey there hot stuff.

I'm having allot of fun writing these, even though hardly anyone reads them.

Instead of telling all my anecdotes in multiple chapters, I'll just tell them all in one or two longer chapters ~

So, first story. I was at dance yesterday, and my instructor was telling us why she wasn't here the week before. She had this really horrible stomach virus, right?

And that lead way to this conversation about the school I used to go to. My instructor was choreographing the opening dance for some pageant they were having idk. And she was telling us how, at the middle school down the road, ONE HUNDRED KIDS WENT HOME WITH THE STOMACH VIRUS. O N E   H U N D R E D. I wasn't completely sure if she was being over-dramatic or not, but still. That's a crazy large number! Especially when it comes to, like, a virus in a school. I had never heard of so many kids getting sick at once.

This evening, I was on FaceTime with my bestie, who goes to that same exact middle school. I asked her if what my instructor had said was true. IT WAS. EXCEPT, TURNS OUT, IIT WAS 132 KIDS WHO WENT HOME IN ONE DAY. My friend has to take medicine during school hours, so when she went to the nurse, there were tens of extra chairs added to the waiting area. Literally the entire school smelled like cleaning supplies and stomach acid.

Just, like, what the actual heck. They should put that school under quarantine and freaking disinfect it. Blessit.


2-5-17 (5-2-17)

It's the next day. HAPPY SUPER BOWL! As I'm writing this, the Falcons are winning. I'll find out who won in the morning ~

At church today, we had a Super Bowl soup and sandwich lunch that my youth group hosted! It was legit so fun omg I had a blast and tried my first ever soup: stuffed bell pepper soup. Ahhhhhhhh it was impeccable. Lol anyways so allot of people who are in my youth group go to the school I mentioned in the previous section.

I was trying so hard to avoid anyone who went to that school, and I am putting all my trust in God that He will not let me catch this virus.

Yeah when I was telling my youth pastor all this about the school, he looked me intently in the eyes and said "Riley, if you drink a glass of Welch's Grape Juice every day, I swear you won't get the virus."

Naturally, I was like ???????really??????? and he swears up and down by it.

Luckily I have a gallon of Welch's Grape Juice, severe determination, and a truly powerful God.

let's do this

*leaves the way I came*

/My Mental Ocean/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora