~Another serious entry~

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     Well aren't I just quite the serious chick? What can I say, man, allot's been happening.

     So something happened at school today. Something that was meant to be harmless, but ultimately made everyone uncomfortable.

     I don't want to openly discuss exactly what happened, for fear that I might get in trouble with my school (idk just go work with me here).

     However, I will say these things:

     Don't let anyone make you think that you don't deserve to live. Every. Single. Thing. Deserves to live. And everyone deserves to be happy. Regardless of race, age, sex, gender, social standing, or anything else -- you deserve happiness. You deserve to be swaddled in warm blankets and be given a hot mug of warm drink and you deserve to be hugged and smile and dance with joy.

     We're still young. We don't know everything. We have big questions that will take time to answer. Allot of time. We're still learning, still formulating our own opinions on things. Don't let anyone form your opinions for you. And if you believe in something that no one else does, then don't let them walk on you.

     Even if, in ten years, you won't agree with the things you agree with now, that's okay. We'll grow up one day and see things in an adult perspective, and thing's'll change. Nevertheless, don't feel obliged to be silent about your feelings just because they aren't permanent.

     Fight for what you believe it. Defend it. Don't let teachers or parents or any other adult squash you into the mud just because you're young. You know things too. You understand things that adults can't.

     And I don't know what tomorrow's gonna bring. I don't know where I'll go. All I have to say, in this moment, is be. Be happy. Be who you are. Be an original.

     Cheesy, but true. Okay, I've hopped off my soapbox. Thank you for reading my little rant, I hoped you liked it! ~ Riley

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