Change Your Eye Color

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What you Need:

White Candle (Optional)

Black Candle (Optional)


1. Chant 3x:

I close my eyes as (your present eye color)

{Light the white candle, close your eyes, and imagine your eyes changing all the colors of the rainbow and white, gray, and black.}

And as they open the rainbow enters.

{Open your eyes. Light the black candle.}

As the rainbow enters, I can change my eyes to any color i want.

By the power of three, let it be,

By the power of three, so mote it be,

Let my eye color be under my control.

By the power of three times three, let it be,

By the power of three times three, let it be,

I wish to change my eye color at will.

By the power of three times three, let it be!

By the power of three times three, So Mote It Be!

{Blow out both candles.}

2. Say this at least once a day at either midnight or noon until the spell is complete.

Hey guys! I'm REALLY sorry about not being on for so long. And thank you to the people who stood up against a certain hater for us since we haven't been on. But leave them alone for right now please. I really love how loyal you guys are to us though. Thanks!

-Crescent ☪

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