See a Friend

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Dedicated to lilreyrey19
What you need:
•White candle that's been anointed with oil (preferably sandalwood)
•Incense (same as oil)
•Photo of the Person
•Small Glass of Water

1. Light the Candle and Incense.

2. Place the picture of the person on your altar (or just any surface).

3. Put two big tablespoons of salt in the palm of your right hand.

4. Let a small amount of salt trickle through your fingers, into the glass while making the sign of the equal arms armed cross of the elements (above)

5. Make this cross three times. Say
call me
three times as you do this

6. Set the glass on the altar and say:
Get in touch with me please

They should contact you before all the water has evaporated from the glass.

I hope this works for you☺️

By: Crescent☪

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