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Just so you know, not all witches celebrate these. It all depends on what you believe in. All of these are either celebrated the day of or the night before.

Samhain - Oct. 31
This is the cycle of death and rebirth.
Usually Samhain is a time to reconnect with our ancestors, and honor those who died. This is a time when the veil between our world and the spirit world is thin, so it's perfect for making contact with the dead.
Yule - Winter Solstice
Yule is a time of new beginnings and focused on rebirth and renewal as the sun makes its way back to the Earth.
Imbolc - Feb. 1-2
This is a Wiccan Festival of Lights and the beginning of spring, even though spring is actually a couple months away.
During celebration, some focus on the Celtic goddess, Brighid (goddess of fire and fertility), while others aim their rituals to the cycle of the seasons.
Ostara - Spring Equinox
(Oss- tare- a)
The first official day of Spring on the Pagan Wheel of the Year. The Anglo goddess, Eostre (goddess of dawn, rebirth, fertility, and new beginnings.)
is worshipped around this time.
Beltane - Last night of April into May 1
(Bell- taine)
A time to welcome the abundance of the fertile Earth. Beltane is a time of fertility and fire.
Litha - Summer Solstice
A celebration of the sun and the peak of fertility.
Lammas - Aug. 1
(Llamas) (lol😂)
The beginning of the end of summer. This is a celebration of the first harvest. Bread baking is a traditional pagan way of celebrating this Sabbat.
Mabon - Autumn Equinox
(May-Ben) (May-Bon)
The second fall harvest, a pagan Thanksgiving. The days are balanced, but darkness will reign. This is a good time to harvest herbs to dry and use later.

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