Fairy Spell

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What you need:
•Windy day (optional)
•Jewelry that has a fairy symbol or means a lot to you

1. Go outside.

2. Put your symbol on and imagine your wings and using your powers.

3. Say 3x:
Gods and Goddesses of the forest,
Please make me a fairy, and to have the wing color of (color) and my power shall be (element) manipulation. Please let it be in two hours let me fly, fly, fly in the air. When I want to become a fairy, I will clap eight times. When I want to become human, I will say "I shall be human".
So mote it be.

•Works somewhere between 2 hours and 2 days

•Has been tested

•To Become A Fairy- Clap 8 Times

•To Become A Human- Say "I shall be human"

•Side effects stop after the spell has worked

Elements You Can Choose:

Side Effects:
•Back Hurting
•Back Itching
•Feeling Like Floating
•Ears Getting Pointy (not completely, just slightly
•Legs Feel Weird

Hey! Again I'm sorry for not updating, I've just been super busy with school and soccer. I'm so sorry.

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