Become a Ghost

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This will make you part ghost and part human.

Shoutout to OceansFall for this spell! Thanks!
What you need:
•a fireproof bowl
•lighter or matches
•cinnamon stick
•sage stick
•your DNA

1. Place the cinnamon and sage in the bowl and light them on fire

2. Say:
I call forth gods of North, East, South, and West.
(Pick up hair)
This lock of hair is mine, it shall represent half my soul.
(Burn the hair with cinnamon and sage)
Dear gods of the North, East, South, and West, I ask that you take the piece of hair, cinnamon, and sage as an offering to take away half of my soul.
(Stand up and raise your arms to the sky)
I call Mother Nature to bless me and ground my other half,
My soul as human to this earth.

I hope you like it, because lately we've been getting a lot of requests for this spell.
I'm also sorry that we haven't been on in like forever. We've just been really busy. But we didn't forget about you! Thanks to all you wonderful readers for getting is so many reads and follows! (Not to promote or anything) You guys should also recommend us to your friends if you like us. But we really appreciate all you wonderful witches!


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