Healing Necklace

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What you Need:
•3 Pieces of String(Embroidery thread works better) (Green, Blue, and White colors preferred for healing properties)
•Beads that are the same color as the string

1. Cast a circle

2. Sit in the circle, gather your thoughts, and tie all the strings together at one end.

3. Once the strings are tied together start to braid them. Every three braids, place a bead while alternating colors.

4. While you're beading, say this:
As I place this bead,
For a healing need,
With each braid intertwined,
Healing body and mind.
When the circle is complete,
Done is magic, healing sweet.

5. Strongly concentrate on the image of the person you are making this for (even if it's for yourself). As you sting on each bead, see this person getting healthier and completely healed by the time you string the last bead.

I hope this works for you!
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By: Crescent☪

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