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"LOOK AT WHAT WE did!" Blue shouted at Kaiser as he finally made an appearance. He was backed by two women and he had that same annoying smirk on his face. "Do you really think that two more Aisling can stop us from sending you back?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Kaiser scoffed and scanned the crowd for me. When Alexander saw that he was looking at me, she stepped in front of me to break his line of sight.

"Why can't you just let us be happy?" She hissed at him and I peeked out from behind her.

"Valkyrie has the chance to be happy," he shrugged. "All that it's going to cost her is-"

"Stop," I snapped and Blue looked at me in shock.

"Someone isn't in the best of moods today," he chuckled and then took a deep breath. "I guess you've made up your mind Valkyrie and as disheartened as I am, I am still fair so I'll let you choose. Do you want to let your parents watch you die? Or would you prefer me to kill them first so that they don't have to go through that."

"That's a bold statement," Orlando muttered.

"I'm going to rip your fucking heart out Kaiser," Blue snarled and as he took a step towards Kaiser, I panicked.

I shoved Alexander closer towards Blue and before anyone had a chance to react, I catapulted some islands into the air.

"Valkyrie!" Alexander cried as my family floated up and out of harms way.

"What a horrible thing that this is going to be," Kaiser sighed. "I don't have any children myself but to just imagine having to watch one die would absolutely kill me."

"Luckily for you, you won't ever have to go through that because when I kill you, you're going straight back to your own personal hell," I huffed.

"You're feeling very confident today," Kaiser tilted his head a little.

"I didn't realise that they let women into the Aisling," I said and looked between the two of them. "You must have to have a real big set of balls to be apart of this."

"Oh these women?" Kaiser rose an eyebrow. "No, they're not Aisling. They're Banshees."

I felt my soul sink a little and Kaiser plugged his ears before the women started to scream. I was instantly brought to my knees as their screeches pierced my eardrums and torpedoed through my brain.

I tried to cover my ears but it was no use of course and I started to get increasingly concerned that my brain would actually explode.

If I didn't do something soon, I would pass out and everything would be lost. I managed to pry my eyes open and tried to assess my options, but it was like their screams were messing with my vision. Everything was blurry and I could barely see the road beneath me, let alone them all the way over there.

As a first and only attempt, I threw my arms up. There was a large gust of wind, one so large that it even shot me off of the ground a tiny bit, and the screaming stopped.

I took my hands away from my ears and I tried to look around to see if I'd managed to get Kaiser along with the Banshees. I couldn't see properly, everything was still blurry and it stung to open my eyes.

I heard two sickening crunches as the women crashed back to the earth and I felt the need to vomit. I was slightly glad for my temporary blindness because I didn't have to look at the women that I'd just killed.

Everything suddenly snapped back into focus and the ringing in my ears disappeared. I felt better and as I looked up I knew why.


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