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"IT'S NOT GOING TO hurt," Atlas told me. I nodded and took a deep breath. Atlas put a hand on the bed beside my head and leaned down a little bit. "You can't move Valkyrie."

"I won't," I told him.

"I don't know how your body works," he said, "so if I touch something then it all might go wrong."

"I won't move," I assured him. He nodded and brought his hand down while I closed my eyes. I felt his hand pass through my skin and he was right when he told me that it wouldn't hurt, but it was weird. We were both silent, so silent that I could hear Alexander and Blue arguing outside.

It felt like hours before Atlas finally took his hand out. I opened my eyes and Atlas shook his head. I felt my soul sink, and Atlas rolled off of me and onto the bed next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I guess," I shrugged. "It's not like people weren't telling me before hand so I wasn't expecting anything."

I looked at him and smiled a little bit, but he didn't smile back.

"My parents died here," he told me.

"W-What?" I stammered.

"The war that was twenty years ago, when your mum was the Anchor," he frowned. "Supernaturals were coming from all over the world to protect her and my parents were no exception. I was three at the time and they were killed. I didn't have any other family so I kind of just... I obviously had a lot of help when I was little but no one taught me the difference between right and wrong so when things didn't go my way I would just use my magic. Everyone in Amaris was scared of me and it wasn't until I met you that I even really thought about it."

"Do you feel weird being here?" I asked.

"I thought I would," he admitted, "but I don't. I always kind of looked at Amaris as my home but when I went back there I felt out of place. I feel more comfortable in Northrun than I ever did in Amaris.I thought that I would hate your parents because mine are dead because of them, but I don't and I don't know why."

"I do," I said and he rose an eyebrow at me. "We're your family now."

Atlas rolled his eyes and I laughed a little bit before putting my hand on his cheek.

"Thank you for telling me," I smiled. He leaned in to kiss me but our lips had barely touched when I heard a yell. I shot away from him and looked towards my window. "What was that?"

"It sounded like Alexander," he muttered. I pulled myself out of bed and hurried outside where Blue and Alexander were both floating in a ball of water. There was a dog barking and jumping up at it and I looked around quickly.

I felt my eyes widen a little as they landed on the one and only Linoleum.

"Filthy Vampires," he muttered and waved his hands around. The water ball containing my parents went flinging around with his hand and the dog chased after it.

"Lin," Atlas snapped. Linoleum looked over and smiled proudly.

"Found these lurkers lurking around your house," he told me. "I'll take care of them and then you can show me to a room."

"They're my parents!" I yelled at him. The bubble burst and they both toppled to the floor. The dog raced at them, but Linoleum called him off.

"I didn't think Vampires could have kids," he muttered and looked at the dog. "Do you reckon we could have kids?"

I looked at him in utter shock, but Blue was getting angry. 

"Calm down," Alexander snapped at him. 

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