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"EVERY TIME YOU AND Apollo disappear," Lincoln muttered as she surveyed the damage on my arm, "you come back with new scars."

"Battle scars," Apollo nodded at her. "Speaking of battle scars, Remi is going to tattoo over mine."

"W-What?" She stammered and squeezed my arm so tightly that I thought she snapped it. I gasped and she apologised quickly before letting go and glaring at Apollo. "No. Absolutely not. The hair I could handle, but not tattoos."

"I'm eighteen," he scoffed. 

"I said no," she snapped. "While you're living under my roof you will not have them."

"Well then I'll just move out," he shrugged and Lincoln's eyes hardened. 

"Apollo," she sighed. "Ask your father."

"'Mm," Apollo hummed, "not going to happen. I'm eighteen and I decide what to do with my body."

"We'll talk about this later," Lincoln huffed and Apollo rolled his eyes. "Does it hurt Val?"

"No," I answered. "Your blood did the trick. Wish you had of shown me this when I broke my arm when I was seven."

"Ah yes but small seven year old Valkyrie was very impressionable and believed there were ghosts haunting the forest," Lincoln smirked at me and then pushed me off of her bench. "You see Nix?"

"Yes," I grinned and showed her my newfound ability. As I did though, the man I tried to make out of air... Wasn't a man. The gush of air blew the fire man across the room like a flamethrower and lit the loaf of bread sitting on the bench on fire. 

I screamed and threw a blast of water at it to put the fire out, but Lincoln was just looking at me with wide eyes.

"No damage," I told her quickly and Apollo laughed.

"You nearly burnt my house to the ground," she breathed.

"Don't be dramatic," I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Do your parents know about this?" Lincoln checked.

"Of course they do," I nodded.

"I don't think you can control two elements at once Val," Lincoln told me.

"Yes I can," I scoffed. "You just can't mix certain elements I guess."

"Go talk to your dad," she ordered me. "Tell him what just happened."

"She lit the bread on fire mum," Apollo defended me. "It's not like the fire was out of control."

"I know how to handle my power now," I assured her. 

"I thought I could control m magic too," Lincoln said, "then I nearly killed a man by making him choke on his own blood."

"Was he a bad guy?" I checked.

"It doesn't matter," she narrowed her eyes at me. "Just go and tell your parents."

"Fine," I groaned and left the house.  When I walked into my own, I could see that my grandmother was making dinner and my grandpa was 'helping' her. More like annoying her.

I laughed at them and started up the stairs to my parent's bedroom. When I knocked, I heard them move around really quickly. 

"C-Come in," Alexander stammered and when I pushed the door open, she was standing on one side of the room while Blue laid in the bed shirtless. I did a double take of Alexander and saw that her hair was messy and I felt this intense need to cringe. 

"I'll come back later," I nodded and went to walk out but I heard Blue laugh a little. Blue didn't normally laugh, but he was doing it too much now. 

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