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I LOOKED AT ATLAS, who was still fast asleep in the driver's seat. Apollo was asleep in the back, snoring quietly. Morning was just beginning to break, but I couldn't sleep.

I sighed and took Atlas' hand. As I ran my hand across the back of it, I noticed a little scar underneath his knuckles. Atlas had scars all over and I didn't know where any of them came from. The most intriguing one, however, was the one on his chest.

Without even thinking, I slipped my hand under his shirt. He immediately woke up and flinched away from me.

"Sorry," I said quickly. "Sorry, go back to sleep."

"You're hands are so cold," he whined and rested his head on the window before closing his eyes again. He fell asleep again and I sighed again. I leaned forward and put my head on the dashboard, then closed my eyes.

I could feel myself drifting off, then there was a loud knock on the window. I shot up and Atlas did too. He grabbed my hand and yanked me towards him before throwing his hand up towards the window. I peeked over my shoulder and I saw Aria's smiling face.

I quickly pulled my hand out of his grasp and unlocked the door.

"Good morning Valkyrie," she grinned. "Would you like to meet Harley?"

"Yes," I nodded quickly.

"Okay, follow me," she ordered me.

"I'm not letting Valkyrie go on her own," Atlas frowned.

"Do you really think Harley would miss the opportunity to see his godson?" Aria rose an eyebrow at him.

"Atlas?" I frowned and looked over at him. Had he met Harley before?

"Me you dork," Apollo muttered from the back seat and when I looked at him, he was rubbing at his eyes.

"You've met Harley?" I checked.

"He's written to me before," Apollo answered and kicked the door open.

"Wait you knew he existed?" I demanded and he nodded. "Why were you asking me all of those questions then?"

"Because I don't believe you," he scoffed. "I've read the books Val, it doesn't say anything about him."

"W-What?" I stammered. "Yes it does."

"You're such a bad liar," he shook his head. I got out of the car and Atlas locked the car. We started following Aria and she lead us into the slums.

We stopped in front of a house with two children running around the front yard. There was a rusty swing set and the grass was a little overgrown.

Aria smiled at the children as she passed them and opened the gate leading to the backyard. If I thought that the grass in the front was overgrown, then it was a forest in the back.

I saw that there was a door that looked like it lead down to the basement on the side of the house and Aria pulled them open.

I walked down after her and I could hear someone moving around.

"Harley," Aria chimed and when I got to the floor I saw him hurrying to put stuff away.

Like Aria, he looked younger than me. His hair was black and his eyes were golden, just like Blue's.

"Valkyrie," he grinned and tossed the papers he had in his hands into a nearby table. He looked at Apollo and smiled even wider, if that was possible.

I just stared at him, I didn't know what to say. I don't think Apollo did either. We were all just awkwardly staring at each other.

"This is real nice," he nodded sarcastically.

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