2. First day at school

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

You slam the alarm close, checking the time and date. 'Oh shoot. Today's the first day at school. An all boys school. Fml.'

You hop out of bed, finishing all your morning rituals. You put on your uniform, looking in the mirror. You then put some light makeup; some concealer, tinted lip balm and mascara.
For the hair, you braid them in neat fishtail, pinning them onto the side of your hair. You then put on your [favourite color] converse.

Yeah, you had a whole variety of them.

You then feed the dog, leaving the house and asking for a taxi. You just moved here so you had no car.

A taxi pulls over and you get in, setting your back pack beside you. You go the school adress and there the journey begins to hell. Ugh, why school.

You reached school and got out of the car. You were surely early. How do you know? Well, there's quite a few students outside.

They glanced at you, making your face heat up. You walk in and make it to the front desk of the office.

"Annyeong, I'm [Full name]. I'm the new student." You smile slightly. She nods and typed up some stuff before handing you your schedule. "Ah, it's you. We heard about having a new transfer student. Have fun on your first day." She smiled cheerfully and didn't seem to be care that there was a girl in the school.

You grinned. "Thank you!"

You walked and looked down at the schedule. You had Chemistry first.

You groaned and stood in front of the class. 'Welp, he we go.' You gather all courage, tucking a strand of [colored] hair behind you ear.

You grab the door and swing it open slowly, walking in. You felt the pressure of all eyes being on you, whispers echoing across the class.

You turn to the teacher and whisper. "I'm the new student, [Y/N]."

"Aah, class. We have a new transfer student with us. [Your name], please introduce yourself."

Your turned to the class, bowing. "Annyeonghaseyo. I'm [full name] and I'm from  [hometown], I hope you treat me well."

"Now, you may take a seat between Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Baekhyun, raise your hand for Y/N to see."

You see a silver haired kid raise his hand, smiling cheekily. You make your way down the aisle of seats and take a seat with 'Baekhyun' in your left. A taller, dark haired male was seated next to you who you assumed was Chanyeol.

You started taking notes, jotting it down. You already knew this stuff, considering you were smart. You felt two pairs of eyes staring at you.

"Do you mind?" You manage to ask.

The shorter male was shocked. "No. Not at all."

You went back to taking notes, as you felt a light tap on your shoulder. It was the taller male now. "Yes?"

"Y-You're a girl. How--?" Chanyeol started.

"I'll explain later." You sigh.

"Oh, alright. That's Baekhyun and I'm Chanyeol by the way." He introduces and you smile slightly before looking away.

They both exchange shocked looks before returning to mind their own business. They were stunned that you didn't fangirl over them. Usually, Many girls would themselves want to talk to them, but you were different. You didn't knew these guys.

After class, a kid sheepishly walked upto you. He had an innocent look to him and looked almost like a child with heart shaped lips. He seemed almost an inch above your height.

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