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  -China's pov-

I was slowly drifting to sleep 😴I turned on my stomach and looked at my phone it was currently 11:33 pm I took a shower earlier waiting for him to knock but I guess he fell asleep. I was fighting my sleep like a baby lol😭. I soon fell asleep.

(1 hour later)
Their was a knock on my window I ignored it then, another knock then, another knock followed along that knock I ignored the knocks and kept on sleeping and threw the blanket only over my head so I couldn't really hear it. I was fast asleep. (5min later) I got woken by someone using my bathroom which really scared me. My eyes shot open and I hid under the bed took my little dagger that I have in my mattress then someone came out the bathroom and then said "C where you went" and I knew that voice anywhere it was Jay big head ahh🙄 I got up from under the bed and I since I knew it was him I put the dagger away and I sat my lazy self down and went to sleep I was tired af. Jayden got in bed with me and put on netflix we watched no good deed which I feel asleep through then the perfect guy which was lowkey my fav, after that was poetic justice then love in basketball, bruhh when I tell you thasssss my fav mooviiieee I love that movie nahhh fuck, I love all them movies the same. While we were watching the movie I layed at the bottom movie of the bed I can feel jays eyes just beaming on me I wanted to look back but I loved this part of the movie when Sanaa and Omar was playing basketball inside🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ favorite part. I felt Jayden stroking my legs up to my booty his hands were so cold he started rubbing my back  under my shirt I said "oowww"  his hands soooo cold I told him to stop but he said "wait lemme see you arch" I was like sike af I'm tryna watch the movie nigga. He whispered in my ear "give me a kiss ma"' that highkey turned me on with his lil deep voice and his big, sexy juicy pink lips 👄 🙃👅 he kissed me so passionately and I knew what he was doing he was horny but not as horny as he just made me. He broke the kiss and leaned back to the pillows with a smirk 😏 I sat up with a straight face 😐 like waterfuck 💀💀💀💀(I say waterfuck instead of whatthefuck) then, I was like you a dickhead and he said "shut the fuck up" and I said "MAKE ME" then he said "ard you gon see later watch". Ok I said. Later on I told my mom about Jayden and my mom was shocked about that wolf bs. But the gag is I didn't tell her about our relationship she thought we were only best friends.

(3 hours later)
My mom invited him to dinner he came dressed and brought food he made, I was so excited my mom and sister said hi they talked about different things and played board games which my mom is very competitive in especially dominoes which I'm suprised he won in my mother was triggered she said "you were the first male to beat me in dominoes, nobody couldn't beat me until this day wdf 😂". It's a simple game a 3 year old can play she be doing to much lmfaooo 💀💀💀then we all got prepared for dinner 🍴my mom and sister sat on one side of the small circular table and me and Jayden sat on one side.

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