Chapter 32

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It's been almost a month since Aiden left. I thought I would be fine; I've lost plenty of people throughout my life, this isn't any different. And when I say "I thought", I mean that i thought it would be fine, but it's not. I can't get Aiden off my mind.

And unfortunately for me, that means I haven't been able to focus on anything else. My grades have been terrible, I haven't been able to have a normal conversation with anyone, my friends and family are worried. I didn't think Aiden was anything special to me...but apparently I was wrong.

I open my eyes, lying flat on my back. From in my bed I could hear my mother downstairs. She was on the phone with someone. Wanting to hear who it was, I crept out of bed towards my door. Slowly opening it, I stepped out into the stairs. Sitting down, I listened.

"No I don't know what's wrong! That's why I'm calling you! What?! No I haven't been giving her anything! You know what?! We're done here! Good day sir!" Hanging up the phone, I watched her walk around the corner. I crawled down the stairs, flopping onto the couch.

"Auuuuuuuugh." I groaned. It's official, the world's gone to shit. And I know what you're thinking. All this for one guy? Well, you're wrong. It's not all about Aiden.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I lift it to my face, reading a message sent from Jesse.

JessBear: hey. Sorry about how things have been. I know that you probably don't want to talk to anyone right now, but I'm here if you do.

nikki96: hey

JessBear: how have you been holding up?

nikki96: eh.

JessBear: well, that's better than nothing

nikki96: ya heh heh

nikki96: tbh tho, it's been a terrible week

nikki96: I feel like it never did truly stop tho

nikki96: they only hid it for a bit cause they were scared of Aiden

JessBear: I'm sure they'll stop soon enough

nikki96: maybe..

nikki96: sorry gtg

JessBear: ttyl

JessBear: and nikki

nikki96: Ye?

JessBear: it'll get better

JessBear: I promise

As I turned off my phone, I hoped that Jesse was right. Lately the teasing has really been getting to me. I remember that one night I came home from school. I walked into the bathroom and... It'll get better Nikki. It will. Eventually.


Author's Note:

Finally! We're done! If you guys actually do want to see a second book, let me know. I hope you guys liked it. If not, that's fine I kind of expected that.

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