Chapter 6

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"I can't believe we're going to be in high school in less than a week!" Jesse squeals through the phone at me. "I'm so nervous!"

"I am too!" I tell her marking the date on my calendar with a thick red sharpie. "It can't be that different from middle school, right?"

"It's supposed to be twice the size of our old school!"

"Wow. And I thought that school was big."

"I know right! I can't stop imagining what it will be like!"

"Me either." I sigh flopping down onto my bed. I recall a dream I had the night before. It was definately the strangest dream I've had this year, and I've had some strange dreams. It was like a cheesy high school love story that you would see in movies, but this felt so much realer.

-I walked into the huge school and headed towards a locker. Someone bumped me and I dropped all my papers for writing class. As I knelt down to pick all 200 papers up a warm voice came from in front of me.

"Do you need some help?" The voice asked.

I tilted my head up to see the new comer to find a guy that looked about my age. He bent down and started to help me gather the papers.

"Thanks." I choke out. I couldn't say anything. No guy has ever been nice enough to help me before. In other words, this has happened plenty of times before. I'm just so clumsy, I always drop my stuff.

"No problem." He says handing me the pile of papers. "See you some time?"

"Sure." I say blushing as he walks away from me towards one of the classrooms.-

"Nikki!" Jesse suddenly yells through the phone.


"I asked you which outfit your going to wear for the first day of school?"

"Oh. Umm....I think I'm going to wear the white tank top and light blue, ripped jeans that we bought at the mall the other day." I respond coming back to reality. Nothing like that's going to happen. And I'll make sure of it. No way I'm trusting a guy like that.

"That's it?"

"What do you mean 'That's it'?" I question her.

"That's all your going to wear?"

"Yah, what's wrong with that?"

"It's the first day of school! You've gotta make a good impression!"

"On who?"

"Teachers, possible friends...guys." She says pausing before saying the last one.

"Oh god Jesse! Stop trying to set me up with a guy! You know how I feel about that."

"Hey, I was just saying. It's been all summer. You need to move on eventually."

"Not gonna happen."

"Oh come on Nikki! Not all guys are like Jason!"

"But you don't know that! You can't tell, what if another guy does the same to me?"

"It'll be okay Nikki, trust me."

A loud knock comes from downstairs on the front door.

"Sorry Jesse. I've got to go. Someone's at the door." I tell her heading downstairs.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later." She says as I hang up and put my phone in my pocket.

I open the door to find a letter on the steps. I look around, not finding anyone, so I pick it up. I shut the door and head into the kitchen. Once I open the letter I lift it to my face to see what it says:

       Dear Nikki Harris,

                  I've been admiring you from afar, but I can't stand to just watch you any longer. If you trust me, meet me at the Yeterfeild restaurant tonight at 9:00.

                                                               I hope that you'll be there,

                                                                                      Secret Admirer

Secret admirer? As much as I don't trust this, I'm intrigued. I'll think about it, I've got time. It's only three in the afternoon. But right now I need some food for my stomach.

"My stomach is making the rumbies." I say opening the fridge to find a chocolate cake. "That only chocolate cake can satisfy." I pull out the cake and take a small slice from one side of the cake. "No one will notice." I say placing the cake back in the fridge. As I eat the slice of cake I check the calendar on the wall. I can't believe how fast summer was. It seemed like just yesterday it was the last day of school.

I kept myself busy this summer redecorating the house. It took a bit of work, but I finally did it. And I'm so happy with how it turned out.

I covered the walls of my room with bright coloured graffiti of all my favourite places, songs, and quotes. I don't even remember visiting some of the places, they just kind of came to my mind and then down to my hands.

There's the Eiffel Tower in Paris that I visited when I was 10, the large oak tree outside my old school I used to climb, the river down the road from my house that I used to swim in. There was some great memories on my walls, but one picture sticks out the most. It was of a long hallway with dull, orange lockers lining either side. The outsides were fading out into black, and at the end of the hallway was a bench. A small, tan-coloured, wooden, bench. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. While I was spray painting my hand suddenly started to gracefully fly across the wall as if it had been programmed to do it. And out came the picture.

I decide that it wasn't important and just left it. Truth be told, I kind of liked it. It had amazing shadows and details that usually only professionals can do. And I'm no professional.


Author's Note:

Please leave a comment down below on how the story is turning out so far, I worked really hard on this chapter and I'm proud with how it turned out. I can't wait to show you guys what I've been working on in the next few chapters, I had a lot of fun writing them. Once again, if you have any suggestions just leave them down below.

Shout out to my good friend iiStarWolfii who's working on an amazing story right now so please go check her out.

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