Chapter 22

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As I came closer to the old oak tree on the edge of the school property, I heard a rustling noise from above me. Looking up, I began to see a figure sitting near the top of the tree.

"Jesse?! Are you up there?!" I yelled to the person, knowing it was hers. Jesse is always up in that tree on days like this when it's clear.

She says she's waiting for her grandfather to come back. He took a ride in his helicopter when she was ten and he never came back. When he left he told her to watch the sky's for him, that he was coming back soon. I would like to tell her the truth, that he's dead, but I don't have the heart to.

"I'm not Jesse!" She yelled down.

"Fine." I moaned, rolling my eyes. "Blueberry?!"

Blueberry was what her grandfather would always say when he took off in his helicopter. He said it would clear the sky into an open blue, just like a blueberry. Ever since he left, whenever she goes up in that tree she's known as Blueberry.

"Yes?!" Jesse called down from the top of the tree.

"Why don't you come down here so we can talk?!"



"Alright, alright." She moaned, slowly climbing down the large trunk. "But just remember it's your fault if I miss my grandpa!"

"And it's your fault if we're late for class! Can you climb any slower?!"

Jesse jumped down the last few feet and landed swiftly on the ground. She walked over to me and held out her hand. Confused, I stepped back. Jesse then grabbed my hand, making it high five her's. She then curved my fingers over into a fist, fist-bumped me with her hand.

I joined her in ending it with an explosion motion with our hands, pulling them backwards. We laughed and walked towards the school.

The rest of lunch, Jesse and I walked around the school together. We talked about our lives, the classes we had, our teachers and classmates, and just about everything else we could talk about.

Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. I was going to leave it, but I noticed Jesse was staring at my pocket. She can't stand to watch the phone vibrate with out anyone picking it up. She says that it could be someone really important warning you that someone is going to kill you or something.

I reached into my pocket and pulled it out so she would stop staring. Checking to see who it was, I noticed a familiar name pop up on the screen. Christie had texted me, telling me to meet her in the storage closet in the music room. She followed up with another text with the word "URGENT" written in all capitals.

I showed Jesse the texts, asking her what we should do. She grabbed my arm an pulled me in the direction of the music room.

"She said it was urgent, and friends are always there for each other in emergencies like this. So we have to go." She said, still gripping my arm.

I followed along beside her until we heard heals knocking on the floor. The footsteps got closer every second, causing us to stop running. Mrs. Glenwood, the history teacher, marched right past us. She glared at us as we turned the corner towards the music room.

We were just about to head into the room when I heard someone. They sounded familiar, and they were coming from the other side of the door. Realizing it was Aiden, I told Jesse.

I couldn't let him know the real reason why I left the cafeteria, and he might ask me what I was buisy doing if he see's me here. Jesse and I quickly devised a plan, slowly crouching down to the floor. Aiden or not, we had to see what was up with Christie.

I thought our plan was completely fool proof. We were going to sneak along the floor around the dark side of the room, slowly sliding into the storage closet. We would then meet Christie and find out what's wrong.

Jesse and I looked at each other, nodding. Placing our hoods above our heads, I was relieved that we both wore black sweaters today.

I opened the door carefully as not to make a sound. We then crept around the corner and started along the black wall. We both blended in perfectly, not being seen.

Suddenly a guitar strum rang through my ears. Slowly, but surely, a soft tune started to play out through the music room.

I wanted to turn my head so badly. To see what was making the sound. But I knew if I did, I risked being seen. My head slowly started to turn, causing my brain to start screaming at me to stop.

Once my head was fully turned, I saw him. It was Aiden, seated perfectly on a stool, guitar in his hands. His fingers flew across the strings, playing faster each time.

What began as a soft melody, suddenly started to grow louder. Mesmerized by the song, I continued to watch him. I recognized the tune, but I couldn't remember the name. 

That's when it hit me. I heard my uncle Garry play it a couple years ago at a family reunion. I think it was called "Enter Sandman", knowing it was a song by Metallica.

I remember going to one of their concerts with my uncle when I was in middle school. It was the first concert I went to, and the last concert since then. I can't afford to go to another one of their concerts, as much as I would love to.

"Come on! We have to hurry before he sees us!" Jesse whispered to me, grabbing my arm. She pulled me towards the storage room, snapping me out of my trance-like state.

Before we could reach the storage closet, I felt a firm hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw Aiden standing above me. With his guitar around his back hanging by the strap, he stared down at us.

Jesse turned and looked up at Aiden, clenching her fist. My eyes darted to the storage closet, quickly looking back. We were so close to getting into the closet.

Aiden's voice rang through the empty room. "What are you doing? Weren't you supposed to be doing that thin for your teacher?"


Author's Note:

Bum bum BUM! Cliffhangers are the worst, but don't worry. I'm probably gonna upload the next chapter soon. And by the time your reading this it will probably already be up. In fact, by the time your reading this I'll probably already be done this book. 

I actually took the idea for this chapter from something that happened in real life. My friend and I were having fun at school one day and we wanted to be ninjas. The next thing you know we're running around the school with our black sweater on, hoods up and knees bent. We were following one of my guy friends and when he finally saw us I said, "Shhh! You can't see me! IM A NEENJA!" And I stood in a corner with him staring at me. Good times.

I hope that the few people that are reading this story are likening it so far. Don't forget to leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments and have a good day!

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