Chapter 24

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Nikki's POV:

As I questioned the person, I felt their grip on my shoulder tighten. They chuckled and slowly walked around the chair, passing my face closely.

"I've heard about the rumours. Why are you doing this to me?" I asked him as I watched him sit down with his legs crossed in front of me.

"What rumours? Oh, those ones. Why not?" Jason says to me, playing with his fingers. "The only problem is that nobody believes me."

I gave him a harsh look, starting to stand up from the chair. "You're wasting my time Jason." Before I could stand Jason got up.

"Oh don't leave now, the fun has just begun." He pouted.

I sat back down, knowing that I couldn't take down someone like Jason that was twice my size. Even though Jason has never - and I don't think he would - physically hurt anyone, he seems off today. It's almost as if he just cracked, letting an alter ego of some sort take control.

"Good." He chirped, smiling menacingly as he watched me sit back down. "Now, back to business. Do you know what I said about you?"

"Yes." I said, glaring at him.

"And what was it exactly?"

"You said I was a slut, that I slept with you and another guy in the same week, which was last week."


"That I'm obsessed with you, that I have pictures of you, I stalk you, and I threatened to kill your girlfriend."

"Exactly. But you know what the problem is?"

I didn't dare say a word, continuing to stare forward. He then smiled at me, but it wasn't a happy smile. It was a smile straight out of comic books, reminding me of The Joker from  the Batman series.

"No one will believe me if you're still a virgin. And you know what I'm going to do about that?" He asked, laughing slightly as he walked around to the back of my chair.

I felt my shoulders tense as he put both hands on them. He leaned forward so his mouth was next to my right ear, breathing heavily.

"I'm gonna change that." He whispered into my ear. Before I could stand up to make a run for it, he grabbed my arms.

He took me off the chair, pinning me to the ground. I attempted to scream but was cut off by his hand covering my mouth.

"Uh uh uh." He said, moving his finger at each syllable.

He laughed loudly, masking the sound of him unzipping his jeans. With his hands off my mouth, I took the chance to scream as loud as I could. My voice echoed throughout the storage closet, bouncing of every wall.

"No one can here you. You can scream as loud as you want but there's no one who can save you in here." Jason said, laughing uncontrollably as he started to pull off his pants.

I kicked and punched, screaming at the top of my lungs. Jason put his finger over my mouth as to shush me, blowing air through his teeth and out his mouth, making a "shh" sound.

"Now be quiet there, you don't want to loose your beautiful voice." He said in a crazy, yet seductive way.

Suddenly Jesse peeked through the doors to the room, seeing Jason on top of me. At this point Jason had his pants completely off and was in his underwear. I mouthed to Jesse the words "get help" when Jason wasn't looking.

She turned around and ran in the direction of the door. I only hoped that she would come back soon and with help.

Jason started to undo the zipper on my blue jeans which only made me scream louder. I was able to knock Jason off of me for a slight moment, pushing my self towards the door in my attempt to escape. It was no use, for Jason grabbed my feet and pulled me back before I was able to make it far.

That's when it happened. I don't know how, but he had managed it. I had been stripped of my pants and he was now going to do it. I never thought this was how I was going to loose my virginity, but I guess that's how I will. He didn't have a condom on him, so I knew to be expecting a baby eventually.

As soon as I thought there was no hope in getting free, the door was flung open. The gym teacher Mr. Clayton, grabbed Jason by the arms and pulled him off of me.

I slipped on my underwear and pants that were around my knees and sat up. As I watched Mr. Clayton and Jason in shock, I slid back into a corner. I hid behind a shelf and sat there almost paralyzed.

I watched Mr. Clayton try to hold Jason down as the police entered the room. They reached for Jason as he ran back into the storage closet. I watched him run past me and into the back of the room.

I sat with my knees held close to my chest as Mr. Clayton came over to me. Two policeman ran to the back of the storage closet - which was surprisingly big for a storage closet - in search for Jason.

"Nikki. It's okay. You don't have to worry about Jason. He isn't going to hurt you. The police will deal with him. Just come with me and we'll get this all sorted out." Mr. Clayton tried to comfort me, crouching down beside me.

I sat him the corner staring towards the far wall, folk back and forth. I never thought something like this would happen to me, and even if he was stopped before he could do anything, I was still shocked. To think that I used to like him too.

Images flashed through my head of the events that just took place. Jason's menacing smile; him walking around me; him on top of me, smiling down as he unzipped his pants. And the look in his eyes. His eyes were a bright colour of brown, with hints of red in it. They had a crazy feel to them. As he laughed they seemed to be picturing what he was going to do, and how he was going to do it.

Suddenly my mind flashed back to the real world and Jason was being escorted out of the room by the two policeman. Mr. Clayton reached down to help me up, but before he could I jumped up and walked out of the room.

Tears flew down my face as I passed through the doorway. Mr. Clayton closed the door behind us when I noticed that a few people came to see what had happened. Thy probably saw the cops heading down here and followed them.

I kept my head to the ground as I walked through the room. I was on my way to the door when I saw Aiden on the other side of the room. Without saying anything, I ran over to him, balling my eyes out.

I hugged him tight with my arms wrapped behind his back. He immediately hugged me back, holding me close to his heart. I felt a drop of water fall on my cheek that wasn't mine. Looking up, I noticed that Aiden had shed a few tears o his own.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said. And that was all he needed to say.

I dropped my arms down by my sides as we both let go. Mr. Clayton walked over to me and escorted me out of the music room. On my way out I looked over my shoulder to see Aiden looking at me sympathetically.

Not only did the situation hurt me, but I could tell it hurt Aiden too. Even if he wasn't the one who was almost raped. 


Author's Note:

I hope you few people reading this story are enjoying it so far. This chapter was focused on a more serious topic but I promise it will get better...eventually.

If you have any comments or ideas please leave them in the comments and thank you so much do reading my story and supporting me!

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