Chapter 17

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"I just to get away from everything right now." Megan told me as we walked toward the bus stop. This was the third time that week that she had complained about Michael to me. At this point I didn't really give a crap.

"How about this weekend? I'm free on Saturday and we could call up Jesse." I tell her, trying to avoid continuing the conversation.

"Sounds good. Now enough about my life, what's up with you and Aiden?" Megan teased, pushing me on the shoulder slightly.

"Don't do this Megan, you'll regret even going there." I looked her in the eye, prepared for another one of her sassy comments.

"Oh come on! You and Aiden are so cute together! If I was you, I wouldn't waste any more time being 'just friends' with him. He's hot."

"And that's my point." I say, staring forward again.


"I'm not you." As soon as I said that Megan groaned, turning to get on the bus. Along with complaining about Michael, bugging me about Aiden was her favourite thing to do. Everyday she has something new to say about it.

"Whatever. But what if I said that he told me he likes you." See what I mean.


"Yah. The other day he walked up to me and asked if I was Megan. I told him I was and he said that he likes you and not to tell anyone."

"Yah, sure he did. He just walked up to you and said that." I didn't believe a word that Megan had said. It sounded like a bull shit story Megan came up with to get me to say something to Aiden. Well I wasn't about to do anything stupid like that.

"He did! Trust me!"

"Whatever you say." Yep. Megan REALLY wants Aiden and I to get together. "Not gonna happen." I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" Christie leaned over from her seat.

"Oh nothing. Just talking to myself again."

"Oh, okay. Can I sit with you?"

"Sure." As she slid into the seat beside me, I realized that this was the first time I had talked to her since before school started. 'I can already tell this is going to be awkward.' I thought to myself.

We both sat there for a few minutes, occasionally saying stuff such as "yep", "mhm", and "cool". It was obvious that neither of us really had anything to say. Considering that we hadn't talked in almost a month, you'd think that we would have a lot to say to each other. But that wasn't the case here.

After five more minutes, I decided to be the big girl in this situation and say something. "So, how's life been treating you?" 'Seriously Nikki? That's the best you could come up with?'

"It's been good. How about you?" She paused for a minute as I gave her a thumbs up. "I heard that you met a guy. What's his name?" She turned in her seat to face me, baring a large grin. There's the Christie I know and love.

"Oh no. Not you too."

"Oh come on. It's not like I said that you like him or anything. I just asked you his name."

"Yes, but what starts out as a name eventually turns into a lot more."

"Fine. Then I guess I won't tell you my guy friends name." She turned back to look at the window. The second she said that I wanted to know who he was. Christie doesn't believe in being just friends with guys. There's got to be something more to this "friend".

"Ok fine I'll tell you. But you have to promise me you'll tell me about your 'friend'."

"Promise." She said, sticking out her pinkie. I locked pinkies with her and then proceeded to tell her about Aiden. How we met, his name, what he looks like, how he acts. And then I told her about the spray can. That's what made her face light up.

"Oooo, a bad boy."

"No, it's not like that. Is it?"

"Well has he done anything else like that?"

"Well, he does get in trouble a lot in class." I say, remembering several times when he has. "But that doesn't mean anything. I barely know him, but as far as I know he's a clean guy."

"That's not what I heard from the other people at school." Jason barges into the conversation, leaning over the seat from behind us. I stare forward, not daring to say a word. Christie takes the hint and turns around to face Jason.

"Listen, the last person that I want to listen to right now is you. So why don't you sit your ass down in your seat and mind your own fucking business." I had never heard this side of Christie before. She's always so nice and sweet. And swearing? That's something that I never thought I would hear come out of Christie's mouth.

"Jesus Christ I was just trying to help. If Nikki's going to go date Aiden I think she would need to know a little bit about what happened first." Jason slowly started to sit back down. Something inside me was itching to know what Jason was talking about by "what happened". No matter how much of a jerk he is.

"Listen Jason. Christie isn't going to be dating Aiden, their just friends. And plus, Christie knows all she needs to know about Aiden. And I don't care wha-" I grabbed Christie's arm, stopping her in mid sentence. Without knowing what I was doing, I leaned back so I was looking Jason right in the eyes.

"What happened?" I asked him calmly, not wanting to seem like I cared.

"Oh so now you want to talk to me, instead of having your little friend over here do the talking for you."

"Just tell me what it is Jason."

"All I know is that something happened a while back. Some sort of truth or dare game that went to far. I heard some girl talking about it in the hall, apparently she was there when it happened. That's all that I know about it." Even though he said that was all he knew, I could tell there was something he wasn't telling me.

"What else do you know."

"I told you, that's all I know." I glared at him. I knew that even if I did try to get him to tell me, he wouldn't say anything else. I sat back down in my seat. 'I'll find out about it eventually. Aiden is my friend, he'll tell me.' I though, watching out the window as we passed some cows in a field. 'At least I think he will.'


Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took me a while, I've been trying to figure out some stuff in my life right now. But enough about me, let's hear about you. 

Question of the Day: What are some of your guys favourite artist or songs? Right now I can't stop listening to "Bad and Boojie" by Migos ft. Lil Uzi Vert and "Literally My Life" by Eva Gutowski. They're both relatable, especially the second one. ;P

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