twenty one

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Dinner in the dining room was short and all the boys and Tide were sent back to their assigned rooms as soon as they finished eating. 

The people in the complex were dumb enough to believe that they would actually go to their assigned rooms. So here they all sat, inside Tide and Newt's room trying to figure out what the shuck was going on. 

"Well I say we don't leave until we're absolutely positive that they're the bad guys." Clint said from his spot in the corner of the room next to Frypan. 

A chorus of agreement echoed through the room and Minho cleared his throat from his seat next to Tide. "Well personally I think that we've already figured out that they're the bad guys. First, Tide has been in this boot thing for longer than normal. Second, they stole Isaac to 'run some tests on him' and then proceeded to put Newt in a boot and  knock Tide out with a chair. And then put a tracker in her arm." 

Tide looked over at him, nodding slowly in agreement. She leaned into Newt's side, allowing him to wrap his arm around her waist. "I agree but with how loud all of you are being I have no doubts that they already know we plan on breaking out of here." She said sarcastically.

Frypan added, "And besides, we can't do much with both of them in boots and have Isaac with us. Plus we'd have to cut the tracker out of her arm and we don't have any way of stitching it up right away. I vote we all go back to our rooms and then figure something out." 

Everyone agreed and soon enough Tide and Newt were left in their room with Isaac sleeping in the crib across from them.


A few hours later Tide and Newt were woken up by Isaac's crying. The both of them had gotten up to calm their son down and couldn't seem to fall back asleep when he finally went back to bed.

"Do you want to take a bath? That might help." Newt suggested thoughtfully and she nodded, rolling out of bed and making her way into the bathroom with Newt following right behind her. While she undressed, Newt turned on the bath and helped her get her shorts off and over her booted leg.

"Damn thing." She muttered to herself as she kicked her underwear to the side, it getting caught on her boot for a couple seconds and Newt chuckled quietly at his girlfriend's struggle as he undressed himself.

Newt took her hands, helping her into the tub without soaking her boot before climbing in behind her, his booted leg hanging out the opposite side of the tub as hers. Tide sank into Newt's chest, closing her eyes and allowing her boyfriend to rub his hands up and down her sides slowly in a comforting manner. 

She slowly drifted off, Newt falling asleep slowly after her only to be woken up an hour later when the other boys came running into their room, sweating and panting.

"Tide! Newt! Get up! Get up!"

Tide groggily opened her eyes, trying to figure out how on earth she ended up in the tub before noticing Thomas and Minho in the doorway, staring at the two with wide eyes.

"Bloody hell what are you doing in here!" Newt hissed, pulling a towel off the rack and handing it to Tide who got out of the tub with minimal struggle, quickly wrapping it around her so no one could see her naked body. 

"No time to explain! Hurry up and get dressed! We only have a few minutes!" Minho exclaimed as the other boys ran around the room, pushing mattresses against the doors and packing other items into backpacks.

Tide looked to her husband who nodded and she kicked the bathroom door shut.


Oh my god guys I'm so sorry I've taken forever to update! I'll try and update more often! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'll try and have chapter 22 up sometime soon so you guys don't have to wait too long! - Madeleine

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