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Breakfast in the dining room was much different than eating in the lunch room at WICKED. Of course they all expected it to be different but not this different, a new guy who was going by the name of Jake had lead them to the dining room only to make them go into "dressing rooms" which none of them knew what the hell that was about but they complied.

When they had gotten into the so called dressing rooms, they were each instructed to change out of their clothes and into the nicer ones they had laid out for them.

Tide had, with a struggle, changed into a pair of black shorts and a soft dark grey turtle neck sweater. When she exited the room, a woman who looked to be about 30 years old stood just outside of the room and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Audrey and I'll be doing your hair." She said and helped Tide sit down before talking again. "So I was thinking about doing just a simple braid down your back since your hair is already pretty as it is so I don't see a need to cut or dye anything yet." She started brushing through Tide's long curly dark brown hair before expertly braiding it in a very elegant matter.

"Thank you." Tide said when she finished and she stood up grabbing her crutches and Audrey nodded and smiled.

"The doctor said you don't need the crutches anymore, he just wanted you to use them for a little bit but you're okay with just the boot now." Audrey said and Tide nodded slowly not fully trusting the girl yet but handed her the crutches anyways before Audrey opened the door and she stepped out taking in the beautiful dining room.

There was a beautiful dark brown table that sat atop a matching floor that looked to have just been freshly polished and a grand sparkling chandelier hung from the ceiling.

Newt, who had also just walked in but from a different set of doors, walked over to her cradling Isaac close to his chest. He was wearing a pair of beige pants and a long sleeved gray shirt that looked awfully good on him.

"You look gorgeous, love." Newt said as he approached her and pressed a soft kiss to her lips causing her to giggle and blush.

"Why thank you." She whispered just as Isaac started to coo and reached up grabbing Tide's sweater and gripping it with his little fist.

She looked down adoringly at their little baby boy before realizing that he needed a diaper change and let out a groan.

"Diaper?" Newt asked as if reading her mind and laughed when she nodded and glared up at him in a playful manner.

"You didn't change his diaper?" She questioned teasingly as she grabbed Isaac's diaper bag and started walking back into her dressing area remembering that she saw a bathroom on her way in.

When the three arrived in the bathroom, Tide laid out a blanket and Newt laid Isaac down chuckling when Isaac started giggling and reaching up at the two parents excitedly.

Tide reached down and nuzzled her nose against Isaac's playfully causing him to erupt into another fit of giggles as Newt for out a new diaper, baby powder and wipes.

"You're a stinky little bit aren't you?" Tide teased causing Newt to chuckle as Isaac continued his giggling and thrashing around.

Newt changed his diaper successfully while Tide played with their baby boy. "All done!" Tide exclaimed and smiled at Isaac who squealed happily. Tide grinned and picked Isaac up and Newt grabbed the diaper bag, handing Isaac one of his chew toys.

"You're a hungry little guy aren't you?" Tide mused as Isaac held his little chew ring in his hand, gnawing on it.

Newt laughed softly as the two made their way back into the dining room where all the boys were now sitting. The smell of food wafted in the air only making Tide hungrier so her and Newt quickly sat down getting the boys attention. Minho, who happened to be sitting next to her, grinned when he saw Isaac.

Tide handed Minho Isaac who cooed when he saw his uncle. Newt reached over and grabbed Tide's hand under the table intertwining their fingers together and she glanced down at their hands before looking up at him to find him talking with Frypan and she smiled to herself.

The smell of pancakes filled the room and chefs walked in with trays of food, placing them in front of the subjects. There were pancakes, sausages, strips of bacon, eggs, french toast and a glass of orange juice on their trays and everyone immediately dug in. Minho had handed Isaac back to Tide who laughed to herself and took her time feeding Isaac little bits of the baby food that one of the chefs had brought out for him.

When they finished, their trays were taken away and Tide turned to talk to Newt.

"Do we have a room besides that hospital room?" Tide asked and Newt nodded.

"Yea, it's by Tommy and Minho's." He said and she nodded pressing a  kiss to his lips before a man walked in wearing a black suit.

Tide had a bad feeling about him but still trusted him because this place had done nothing bad to them yet. So when he told them to go back to their assigned rooms, Tide complied without much of a fight although she did ask quite a few questions.

Newt led her to their room and she waved to Minho and Thomas promising she would come see them as soon as her and Newt got Isaac to take a nap. Minho and Thomas just laughed knowing it would take a while. So they stepped into their rooms and the doors slid shut behind them quietly.

Newt put Isaac into his crib in his nursery which was attached to their room with a clear door separating the two rooms. She grabbed a bottle of water before following Newt in a couple seconds later.

While Newt swaddled their son up in a blanket slowly putting him to sleep, Tide went to check out the rest of his nursery. Questionably, there was nothing in the changing table except two diapers, a small package of wipes, baby powder and a little bag. Tide figured she would go ask for some more stuff since their diaper bag was running low aswell.

She felt Newt's familiar hands slide into her waist and she smiled to herself before turning to face him.

"He's down for his nap already?" She whispered and he nodded and took her hand leading her to their part of the room, scooping her up bridal style when Isaac's door closed making her squeal and her laughed when a panicked look crossed her face.

"He can't hear anything, it's soundproof." He said pressing a soft kiss to her lips and laid her down on their bed then grabbed out the baby monitor and turned it on and set it on the nightstand beside their bed.

Tide grabbed his hands pulling him down and rolled over so she was sitting atop his waist straddling him and leaned down pressing a kiss to his plump lips.

He groaned softly running his hands down her waist and holding her tightly against him.

While this was going on, there was a soft click that signaled their room and Isaac's room was locked aswell.

But, the two were much to absorbed in one another to notice this.

The Final Escape: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now