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The next week went by so quick I had thought only a day had gone by. After 3 days of explaining, Newt had finally gotten the hang of changing Isaac's diapers and I had finally gotten Isaac to breastfeed without any problems.

All of the boys were always willing to help with anything we needed, which was very nice of them. And of course Newt was a huge help with everything. He was constantly trying so hard to help with anything he could, whether it was watching Isaac while I took a shower or getting up in the middle of the night to get him back to sleep when he started crying.

Even Minho, who now was going by "Uncle MinMin"(Thomas was going by Uncle Tommy) , was always willing to help with Isaac at anytime even though it made everyone absolutely exhausted with Isaac's horrible sleep schedule.

So, when I woke up this morning to a loud, ear shattering, blaring noise, I was pretty pissed. Everyone else had woken up too and judging by their faces, they weren't any happier than I was.But, as soon as it started, it went dead silent.

"What in the bloody hell was that?" Newt was the first to break the silence as he kept his arms in a solid embrace around my waist, my back pressed to his chest as I sat in his lap since the two of us were now sitting up.

Someone started to answer but I wasn't paying attention because I was more concerned on why the hell Isaac wasn't crying from all the loud noise.

Pushing myself off of Newt's lap to peer over the edge of our bed, I looked down to see his sheets perfectly placed but he wasn't there.

"Where's Isaac?" Starting to panic, I flung myself over the edge of our bed landing without a sound as I started to fling his sheets out of his bed praying he'd start crying any second to let me know where he was, but there was nothing.

Not a whimper, not a cry. Nothing at all.

WICKED had taken him and I was going to get him back.


Over the course of the next hour, we had discovered that the door was locked from the outside, all the windows were blocked and there was a strange supply of food in the bathroom which no one had noticed before so we all assumed it had come in there when WICKED had taken Isaac.

So here all of us sat- crouched around the air vent- as we attempted to get out. Deciding it was best Minho try to get it open first, all of us took a step back while we watched in anticipation to see if Minho could get the door open. He grunted as he pulled at the vent as hard as he could, but to no avail, he fell on his ass leaving me pissed off.

"Move it fat ass." Pushing Minho out of my way, I grabbed the damned vent ignoring the burn in my fingers and instead focused on the rage within me that had built up because I hated WICKED so much for taking my baby.

And just like that the vent ripped off it's hinges.


So sorry it's kinda short! I promise I'll try to update more often! Love you guys.

-Maddie :)

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