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Newt sat next to Tide on their shared bed, cradling Isaac while she slept in an attempt to get rid of her headache. He had one as well but Tide had made it out like her head was going to explode if she didn't get some sleep so he let her take a nap while he took care of Isaac.

Tide mumbled something incoherent and leaned closer to him, her head rested in his lap. If Newt didn't know better he would have thought she was going to get a neck cramp when she woke up but he had learned that she had some weird sleep habits.

Isaac stirred in his arms but he quickly shushed him, gently rocking him back to sleep. Their room had been relatively quiet and Newt figured something would happen soon, but for now, he was enjoying the silence.

That was until the vent in Isaac's room fell open and Thomas came falling through followed by Minho and the rest of the boys. 

Newt sighed, realizing that his silence would be ending and Isaac, who was gripping his shirt now and cooing, would probably start crying if the boys didn't stay quiet.

And god forbid Tide wake up. That woman was psycho as it was, let alone when someone woke her up from her nap.

Newt pressed on finger to his lips when the boys stood up, making their way into Tide and Newt's room.

Minho, being the first to enter, came over and whispered quietly to him, sarcasm dripping through his voice, "What is you leg doing in a boot? Trying to match Tidey Poo now are we?" 

Newt rolled his eyes glaring at his friend before explaining what had happened to the two. 

Thomas, who had gathered around the bed along with all the other boys, whispered back, "They took Isaac? What the hell?" 

Frypan raised one eyebrow before asking, "What do you mean? They came after you two?" Newt sighed and nodded gently bouncing Isaac who let out a soft whimper at all the movement in the room. 

"Well I say we bust outta here, clearly they can't be trusted." Came Clint's voice, louder than the other boys and Newt's breathing hitched in sheer terror that he was going to be slapped when Tide stirred, rolling into his lap.

After a moment of silence, Newt responded, "Where are we gonna go? Tide and I can barely walk and on top of that we have Isaac to think of." He sighed, knowing that there was no way they were going to get out of there without getting caught, let alone if they did, making it out with no shelter.

The boys looked around at one another, hoping someone would have an idea but no one did. Eventually they all released a collective sigh, some moving to sit around various parts of the room.

"Oh- And there's a tracker." Newt remembered, gaining the boys attention once again.

"A tracker?" Minho repeated incredulously 

"In her arm."

"Well shuck they're worse than I thought, how are we gonna get it outta her?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, they'll know if we do and it sounded like she'd be in more trouble if she did anyways." Newt said, subconsciously running his free hand through Tide's brunette curls. 

Thomas got back up, grabbing Tide's hand.

And Tide woke up.

As stated earlier, don't wake Tide up unless it's an absolute emergency.

Thomas unfortunately learned this the hard way when Tide whipped the said hand up slapping him hard across the face. She muttered a quiet "Fuck off." before curling back up into Newt's lap.

With a hand on his cheek, Thomas let out a groan, "Shuck that hurt. Tide what the hell? Get up you lazy shank." 

Minho, who had started laughing at all of this, got up to try and irritate Tide some more; but before he could, another announcement rang through the room. 

"Everyone report to the dining hall, dinner will be served shortly."

And just like that everyone but Tide, who was still trying to fall back asleep, was up and ready to leave the room.

"Tide, love. We have to go." Newt whispered quietly, not daring to touch her as he was too busy rocking Isaac. 

She mumbled something into the pillow that sounded like 'I'm tired' but Newt wasn't sure. let out a sigh, knowing this would take a little longer than it should have. 

"Tide we can go back to sleep later." He tried to reason and she let out another groan rolling onto her back and off of the bed, landing with a loud thump.

"'M tired." She wined again, pulling herself up and sleepily stumbling out of the room and towards the dining hall.

Newt rolled his eyes again, slowly bouncing Isaac in a comforting manor as he followed his girlfriend around the complex until they arrived for dinner with the other boys.

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