Chapter Fourteen ; Everything After

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{Hucks POV} {present day}

The sun burned my eyes as they led me out of the car. Dust and dirt was still thick in the air that smelled like burnt tires and blood. "What about Jasper and daddy" I cried trying to get answers "where's my mom". The man leading me to the ambulance looked down at me. "Well first off I need to know your name" he asked setting me on the bumper of the ambulance. "My name is Huck" I whined "and I want my mommy and daddy" as tears started streaming down my face. "Was your mommy and daddy in that car" he asked. "Yes yes you took my mommy away you took her away and daddy's in the car, he's in the car" I said frantically. "Well Huck we'll take you to the hospital your mommies at and we'll run some tests and you can see your mommy and daddy in the morning" he said reassuringly. "Go help my daddy" I said. He got up and that's when I saw him. Mommies tee shirt which was once yellow was now a brown red and his body was limp as they laid him on the stretcher. "Jasper" I yelled as I got up and ran to him. A woman stopped me. "No let me see him now that's my brother" I screamed fighting her as much as I could. "You can't I'm sorry but you can't" she repeated again and again. They put my daddy on a stretcher to and put him in an ambulance. The man led me to the ambulance he was on and I sat next to him. "Daddy" I whispered and waited what felt like a thousand years for his response. He touched my hand with his pointer finger and with all his strength asked "where's mommy". "Mommies with the doctor daddy" I said putting my head on his chest. I heard what sounded like the ocean in his lungs and his chest was pulsing. It wasn't his breathing cause that was steady but it was pulsing. He coughed and specks of blood landed on his cheeks. "I just want it to all be better" I said holding his finger. "Okay this male has fluid in his lungs- believed to be blood- and it looks as though when you lift his shirt he has a few broken ribs but other than that he's okay" the man that helped me said to the woman that held me back. We pulled in. "I'll walk the boy in" the woman said. I ran in without her. I pulled on a nurses shirt. "Excuse me where is my mommy" I asked. She looked down at me and a black lock of curls fell from behind her ear. "Who's your mommy little boy" she asked. "Carrie Underwood" I said sheepishly, she was pretty. "Well she's up stairs in trama and I'm about to go up there if you want to tag along, but you have to wait in the waiting room" she said. "Yes please" I said as me started up the steps. We got to the room and she told me to go sit down and wait. I sat until she left then I got up and crept down the hall. I looked in the window and I could see Carries head and her face but I think they were just trying to make her breath. I went back to the waiting room. I couldn't watch that. I sat down taking a breath. I sat in the static room by myself for about ten minutes. The nurse walked out. "Your mommy is stable if you want to see her" she told me. I followed her back to her room. Carrie was propped up on a pillow and she turned her head a bit and smiled. "Hey baby" she said hoarsely. "Hey mommy" I said walking over to her. Her hands, and legs were wrapped up. "Theres nothing really wrong, just a few scratches" she said. I laid my head on her shoulder. " I should be out in a few days and we'll all go home" she said trying to comfort me. Her voice was like silk. "Mama, Jasper and daddy didn't look good" I said as I started to cry. "It'll be okay baby boy, I promise" she said as I felt a tear hit my forehead. I looked up and she had tears dripping down her cheeks. I wiped one with my thumb and kissed her cheek. She patted her bed, motioning for me to lay with her. I gently got in the bed with her and laid. "Mama" I asked. "Yes darlin" she said. "Mama will you sing for me" I asked. "Of course" she said. She started to sing Temporary Home and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

{Brads POV} {present day}

I woke up and a nurse was checking my drip bag. "Where's my wife and kids" I asked. "Oh well good morning Mr. Paisley" the old woman said turning to me and fixing my sheets. "Where's my wife and kids" I asked again. "Well Huck has been in between all the rooms every five minutes or so and he just left so he'll be back soon" She explained. "How's Jasper and Carrie" I asked trying to sit up. I coughed a little and my chest felt like someone was using my lungs as an ash tray. I laid back down. "Carrie is perfectly fine she just has some scratches and she'll have itty bitty scars" she said. "And what about Jasper" I asked. The nurse turned away. "He's not dead is he" I asked urgently. "Oh no no" the nurse said "but he's not in the best condition". I heard the door swing open. Huck was pushing Carrie in a wheel chair with ease. "Carrie" I said stretching out my arm. "Brad" Carrie said with her face lighting as she tried to stand up. She struggled for a bit till she could walk over assisted by Huck. She crumbled on to the bed and kissed my cheek. "Daddy guess what" Huck yelled pulling on the sheets. "What" I said excited. "Mommy saved Jasper's life. If she hadn't, well, ripped off her shirt and put it on his head he would have bled out! That's what the doctor told us" he said. "Carrie you saved Jasper" I said turning to her with tears in my eyes. She nodded her head yes and I pulled her in to kiss again. "Ewwww" I heard Huck yell. Carrie smiled and giggled a little bit. "Well good news" the doctor said walking in "you can go home tonight" he announced. "Even Mommy" Huck asked perking up. "Yes even Mommy" he said. "And what about Jasper" Carrie asked. "Well Jasper can come home because he is not considered to be in critical condition but he will need an in home nurse. He seems to be suffering short term memory loss from the glass in his head" he said. "So he won't remember Carrie, or the wedding date, or the Disney trip" I asked. "Well only for a little" the doctor said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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