Chapter Eleven ; My Crazy Chaotic Family

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{Carries POV} {present day}

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder. My head was still pounding but I felt so much better. I looked over and Jasper was sitting criss-cross apple sauce on the bed staring at me. "Carrie" he said quietly. "Yes darlin" I said. "Do you care if I call you mommy? Cause I know I did the other day and you didn't say anything but I just didn't know" he said faintly and quickly. I sat up and forward and pulled him in for a hug. "You can call me what ever you but mommy is nice" I said releasing him. Brad and Huck walked in and they were both beaming. "Guess what Carrie" Huck said. Jasper stopped him. "it's mommy" he said in a whiny voice. Brad looked at me confused. I walked him out to the hall alone. "Jasper asked me if her could call me mommy and I said yes" I said to an oh so confused Brad. He just smiled and looked at me till he eventually said "I'm so happy were a family" and pulled me in for a hug. "Oh by the way I feel ninety nine point nine percent better and I think Jasper does too" I said. We pulled away from the hug. "Did you tell Jasper about us getting married yet" Brad asked concerned. "No I want to tell them together and I want to ask them what the date should be" I said. "Then let's ask them" he said leading me in. "Okay boys we have news and a question" Brad said clapping his hands to get the boys attention. "What" Huck asked. "Well me and your dad are getting married" I said with a dramatic pause watching the boys eyes light up with excitement "and we wanna know what day you think it should be" I said. The boys whispered for a minute and then looked up. "August eighth" they said together. "Okay August eighth it is" Brad said. Ugh six months of being with Brad without really being with Brad would kill me but it's what the boys wanted. Huck ran up and hugged me. "I'm so glad I have a real mommy" he said. I started to cry a little bit. "Why are you crying mommy" Jasper asked hugging my other leg. "I'm happy baby, I'm just so happy" I said wrapping my arms around them. Brad kissed my cheek and announced "how about we go to the beach". "The beach" I asked "Brad it's the middle of February" I said quizzically. "Yeah let's go to Florida" he said. "Oh yeah that's what we were gonna tell you mommy were going to Disney World" Huck said excitedly. "What's Disney World" Jasper asked to nobody in particular. "It's Mickeys house" Brad explained. "I wanna go" he whined. "Okay then we better pack" I said. I think I was more excited than Huck and Jasper. I grabbed the boys suite cases and pulled the drawers and and neatly folded all the cloths and put them in the suite cases. I walked in our room with the boys bags in hand and Brad had already packed my bags for me. Why was he so perfect? "You ready" he asked. "Yeah let's go" I said bouncing on the balls of my feet. We threw the bags in the back of my Journey and put the boys in. They both had wide eyes of excitement that didn't last long because they both got heavy eyes around seven which was understandable because that was their bed time. "Brad the boys are knocked out" I said snuggling into his arm. "I'm really tired and I know you are to so do you want to just crash at this Hilton" he said pointing about five miles ahead. "Yes we all need sleep" I said closing my eyes. We pulled into the Hilton and I grabbed Jasper, Brad grabbed Huck, one man parked our car, and another brought all our bags in. Relaxing with my fiancé for a night would be nice. We walked up to the front desk hand in hand with a child on one of our hips. "Hello how may I help you today" a young brunette haired boy about sixteen asked. "Um a room for four, we'd like one queen and two full beds" Brad said. "We have twelve rooms available, what floor would you like" the boy asked. I looked at his name tag. It read Joshua. "Can we have top" I said before Brad could say anything. "Uh yeah sure" Joshua said typing in something on the computer. He turned around and got a key and handed it to me. "Your room is room 168E and here's you key have a wonderful stay" he said cheerfully. "Thank you Joshua" Brad said as we walked away. "My pleasure" he replied as the elevator doors closed. "I'm ready to hit the hay" Brad said as we walked to our room with our bags on a cart by the door. I slid the key in and Brad pulled the cart in behind him. We changed the boys who were so asleep they didn't even blink an eye. We laid them in bed and kissed their foreheads and retreated to our own sanctuary to sleep for a little bit because we had a long drive ahead I us tomorrow. We changed and Brad wrapped his strong but gentle arms around me and we fell asleep.

{in the morning}

I woke up to the boys jumping on the bed chanting "DISNEY WORLD DISNEY WORLD DISNEY WORLD" at the top of their lungs. "Boy there is other people still asleep" Brad said as I pulled them both down next to me. "You ready to go" I asked. For some odd reason I was wide awake. The room was so dark it was probably like six in the morning. I hopped out of bed and went to open the curtains. The room was all the sudden flooded with light. I spun around quickly and ran to my phone. "What time is it" Brad asked sitting up half way. "It's ten thirty" I yelled. "Okay boys leave the room so Carrie can get dressed" Brad said. "It's MOMMY" they protested as they left the room. I was pulling up my shorts when Brad walked over to me. He ran his fingers through my hair and it gave me the chills. Goose bumps went like a wave over my whole body. "I love when little kids call you mommy" Brad said. "So do I" I said pulling my shorts up the rest of the way and pressing my body to his. I kissed him and then went to put on my shirt and fix my makeup and hair. I came back and the boys were brushing their teeth while Brad packed the bags on to the cart. My chaotic family is perfect.

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