Chapter Four ; And the Lights

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{Carries POV} {present day}

I woke up to a room full of the smell of sunlight and the smell of summertime. The smell of Brad. I rolled over and felt for him but all I felt was sheets. I opened my eyes and looked around. I rolled out of bed grudgingly. Maybe Brad took a shower? I walked in to the bathroom but it was empty. I skipped down stairs and went into the kitchen. The aroma off pancakes and syrup whisked through the air. I walked over to a plate on the island. There was a note with it so I picked it up and read it. It read ;


I made you pancakes and took a shower in the down stairs shower. I went talk to Kim and get the rest of my stuff. Talk to Mike please. I love you babe. See you tonight and I have a surprise !


Awwe he was so sweet. A surprise? What was he talking about? I looked over at the couch. Mike was passed out with about four empty beer cans on the coffee table. I ate my pancakes and waited for Mike to wake up. It was around nine thirty when he finally did."Hey Carrie" he said with his hand on his head."Hey Mike we need to talk" I said sitting up a little straighter. "Carrie I know what you are going to say and don't waste your breath, Carrie I'm happy for you and Brad and I just wanna stay friends. You can have the house just hours I have the crew coming" he said. I put down my fork and got up and hugged him. "Thank you Mike" I said.

He pulled back and looked me in the eyes and said "I saw the way you look at him Care it was meant to be" he said then picked up his suite case and he just walked out the front door. I picked up all Mikes beer cans then sat down on the couch. I must have dozed off because I woke up to a pair of hands over my eyes.

{Brads POV} {present day}

I put my hands over Carries eyes and said "guess who". She tried to move my hands but it didn't happen. "Um I'm guessing it's Luke" she said. I moved my hands and kissed her. "It better not be" I said as I plopped down on the couch next to Carrie. She stretched like a cat. She's perfect and she's all mine now. She rested her feet on the coffee table. I put my head in her lap and she traced the out line of my lips. I tried to playfully bite her finger. She smirked. "So what are we doing today" she asked. "Well did you read the note" I asked her.

"Yes of course" she replied "what's the surprise". "Do you really wanna know" I asked "cause I don't think you do" I said. She ran her fingers through my hair. "Oh I do" she said in the sexiest voice I'd ever heard.

I sat up all of the sudden and ran up the steps. "What are you doing Brad" Carrie asked getting up and following me. I jumped on the bed and she jumped right on top of me. She was as light as a feather. "So what are we doing" she asked kissing my neck. "I have dinner planed but I can't tell you where" I said rubbing her shoulders. "Why not" she pleaded lightly kissing my lips. "That's the surprise, now go get dressed" I told her.

{Carries POV} {present day}

I reluctantly got off Brad and dug in my closet. "Oh and if you dress fancy for the dinner bring a change of cloths" Brad yelled. A change of cloths? What were we doing?

I pulled out my favorite pale pink dress and my jimmy choo shoes that I wore in Paris. I put on some make up but not to much because I had no idea what we were doing. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a red sweat shirt, my navy blue keds and a jacket. I walked down the steps and Brad had changed. Brads jaw almost hit the floor I swear. "You look stunning" he said "are you ready" he asked talking my bag of cloths to carry for me. Such a gentlemen. "Yes" I said linking arms with him. I started to walk to my car but he pulled me away from it. "Oh no" he said "were getting in my truck" he said. He opened the door for me and set my bag gently at my feet.

He got in and I scooted into the middle seat and rested my head on his shoulder. He looked down at me and put his arm over my shoulder. We passed about six different restaurants before he finally pulled into Olive Garden. "This place is my favorite but are you sure it's open" I asked because the parking lot was empty. "I'm sure" he said getting out the car and grabbing my hand and leading me in. We opened the doors and what looked like a hundred strands of lights hung in a room with a single table. He lead me to my seat, pulled it out, and pushed me in.

He sat down and almost instantly the chef came out. "Hello Mr. Paisley and Mrs. Underwood what would you like today" he asked. I ordered the house salad, ranch on the side of course, and a glass of wine while

Brad got a steak and a glass of wine. We sat there for a second just staring at each other. After we got done eating music started to play. It was soft and slow piano. Brad got up and held his hand out. "Miss Underwood may I have this dance" he asked. I stood up and said "Of course" taking his hand.

He held the small of my back and we spun for a while. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. Our breathing was in rhythm. He pulled me away and twirled me by one finger like my dad did and I felt like a little girl again. He dipped me and the song was over. We thanked the chef and got in the car. "The nights not over yet" he leaned in a whispered in my ear.

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