Chapter Eight ; It Gave Me the Chills

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{Carries POV} {present day}

Somebody ripped the sheets off me. I opened my eyes and rolled over. Mama was folding up the blanket and giving me a smirky side look. "Well darlin you better get up it is almost eleven o'clock. You never slept in as a kid. You slept till eight at the latest" she said kissing my forehead. "Ugh mama I haven't been a kid for a while now" I said putting my hand on my head because I had a headache. My hair was a mess. "Baby you didn't" she asked stopping abruptly and giving me a look. "No mama no" I said smiling. "Well you look a tad rough. Run a comb through that rats nest and brush your teeth child and change out of those cloths there old" she said walking down the hall with her voice fading. Where was Brad? I got up and brushed my hair and all that jazz. I came down the hall and walked into the kitchen. Daddy was cooking breakfast as usual and Brad was sitting at the table drinking coffee. He looked up and stood up and pulled me in kissing me "good morning Hun" he said. "Good morning babe" I said. I turned and looked at dad, he was smiling. "Good morning daddy" I said smiling as I kissed him on the cheek.

He smiled even bigger. "Good morning Care" he said. "So what are we doing today" I asked sitting down. "Well you and your mama are going shopping while me and my son here go fishin" daddy said setting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of Brad and just eggs in front of me. I ate some and stared out the window. The Oklahoma sky was beautiful in the morning. "Alright by baby" Brad said kissing me then loading up daddy's truck with the boat and leaving. "That boy really loves you Carrie" mama said appearing in the door way. "Are you ready" she asked picking up her purse. "Yeah let's go" I said grabbing Brads keys to his truck and heading out the door. We got in the truck and drove into town. "Pull over here" mama said pointing at Joes Coffee palace. "Thank goodness I need my coffee fix" she said getting out of the truck. We sat and talked for a while mainly about Brad and I. "So are you planning on having kids" mama asked me taking a sip of her coffee. "Well I think we do I mean he has two kids and I'm their god mother so I feel that they'll probably be ours and I think if I can handle them I can handle a baby" I said taking a sip of mine. "Well I think the kids will love you more than anything because you'll be an amazing mother" mama said putting her hand on mine. Wow that was weird to think about. Me being a mom but I think I could pull it off. "So baby girl are you plan your wedding" mama asked. I gave her a strange look and she laughed. "I knew you weren't that way. Growin' up Steph always put on the cutest white dress and my white church heels and paraded around the room talking about meeting Prince Charming. You and your father sat on the couch and laughed and said Steph was the silliest girl you'd ever seen. You always said marriage was for suckers and you wouldn't be tied down" she said shaking her head "but now look at you. Your head over heels for a cute little cowboy casanova who wants to spend the rest of his life with you". I smiled and looked down. "Mama thinkin back I couldn't imagine myself with a man other than Brad. He holds me tighter, kisses me longer and more passionately and talks with me deeper about stuff and he understands me. I-I just couldn't picture life with out him. He's perfect mama" I said looking up at last. Mama was grinnin bigger than my sisters and I on christmas as kids. I leaned in and kissed mamas forehead and then whipped the gloss off with my thumb.

"My baby's growin' into a beautiful woman" she said sheddin a single tear. "Oh mama don't cry or I will" I said but it was to late I was already balling and mama and I broke down. That must have been a sight. A young woman and her mama crying and laughing in the middle of a coffee shop on a Friday at one in the afternoon. "Well baby girl we better get shopping cause if we come back with no cloths and puffy eyes daddy will worry" mama said laughing. We got up and went shopping for about five minutes and threw random stuff in the cart that probably looked awful but oh well. We got back to the house and Brad and Daddy were sittin on the couch passed out with beers in their hands and the football game blaring on the TV.

{Brads POV} {present day}

Somebody sat on me. "Well hello darlin'" the sweetest voice said floating lightly on the air. "Hello" I said leaning up and kissing the familiar lips I loved so much. "It's ten at night we should probably get to bed" she said quietly so she wouldn't wake her dad. "Okay" I said getting up as she rapped her legs around my waist and I carried her to the room. I laid her down on the bed on her back so I was on top of her. She grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me. I loved it but I couldn't. "No Care we can't I'm sorry" I said getting up off of her. She gave me the biggest pouty face ever, like a dog begging for a bone. "Sorry love but cuddling will just have to do" I said getting in bed and pulling her in next to me. She tried to scoot away so I held her tighter. "Don't be like that" I said trying to get her out of the funk she was in. "What if I kissed you" I asked. I saw her raise an eyebrow. "All over" I said. She started to roll over but stopped half way. "And held you so close" I said pleading. She rolled over the rest of the way and her beautiful blonde hair spilled over her head and into both of our faces. I pulled her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead making my way down her nose to her lips and I kept going down her neck to her collar bones. I rubbed her shoulders and kept kissing her neck. "Brad" she said looking down at me. "What" I said not stopping. "I'm so excited to be mrs. Paisley" she said running her fingers through my hair. God I loved when she did that. I worked my way from her shoulders to her lower back. She arched her back and stretched out. "Trust me neither can I" I said pulling her closer as she relaxed from her stretch. "So baby what do you think our song will sound like" she asked. I loved the sound of that, our song, just thinking about it drove me crazy. "I'm not sure yet darlin but it will be great" I said smiling and kissing her. "Bradley Douglas Paisley" Carrie said "I'm never gonna beat this summer with you" she finished. It sounded like a song. She was so perfect. "Carrie Marie Underwood" I said "I cant change the world but I can yours" I said. Those both sounded like lyrics and I knew I'd write them for Carrie later. I don't know if Carrie knew it but I always wrote songs for her. She smiled real big and cuddled her head into my chest and rapped her arms around my waist. I put my chin on top her head. "I wish this room had a TV" she said rubbing my back with one hand. "I don't I like just laying with you in silence and thinking about our future" I said feeling her smile against my stomach. "And what do you see in our future" she asked. "I see you waking up in my tee shirts and making breakfast. I see us writing songs by the lake under the willow tree and I see us packing up our babies early on Sunday mornings for church" I said. She hugged me tighter. "Brad I wanna get married under that willow tree and I wanna take our babies on picnics under that tree and I wanna have our dates under that tree" she said. "Then it will happen" I promised "I'll hold you tight in your little white wedding dress and I'll lay down a old blanket for the kids to sit on and I'll pour you wine under that tree". She kissed me. "It better" she said. "Do you remember our first kiss" I asked. "How could I forget. My knees were so weak and I was so light headed" she said smiling. "My favorite part was when you chased me down barefoot in the parking lot and held my belt loops so tight I thought my pants would come off" I said. "That was my goal" she whispered in my ear. It gave me the chills.

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