Chapter 12

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I now know the Cullen's secret. They are vampires, and they are my family. Edward, and Bella brought me to the cottage that they live in, including Ness of course. I thought that the cottage was cozy, and beautiful when I first saw it. I also feel safe that Ness, and I share a bedroom. I feel safe with her because she's my sister. I also that that Ness is loyal.

The hole thing with Jacob... yeah he's still mad that I left her in Portland all on her own. Ness is stronger than she looks though, and she's still alive so I don't see why he's still mad. Aunt Rose was mad too, but not fully at me. She understands that this isn't easy.

It's been a couple days now sense I found out about my... family. I already don't mind using the words aunt, and uncle. Will I ever call Carlisle my grandpa, and Esme my grandmother? Maybe, but not for a long time. It is weird, especially with the hole "mom" and "dad" words. I've been trying to keep too myself as I take it all in, so I've been staying away from Eddie and Bella most. Ness is worried that I'll never look at Eddie and Bella as my parents too, but Esme said it'll just take awhile. I agree with Esme because I'm keeping my distance from my parents, until I'm use too the idea that we look the same age.

I call Edward, Eddie because I heard uncle Emmet call him that. Eddie glared at him, and I could tell that Eddie hated the nickname a lot. I think it is amusing. Uncle Emmet seems to enjoy pulling pranks on everyone, and he teases everyone too.
Aunt Rose puts up with a lot from him. She does keep him on track with somethings. Aunt Rose is caring, and loving towards me which I kinda like, although I'm not exactly use to it. Aunt Alice is actually not that bad too. Although, her shopping addiction is highly annoying. She started explaining Gucci. I told her as nicely as possible that I don't care, but aunt Alice said one I'll be just like Bella, who use to hate the idea of shopping, but now she's doesn't mind it. I doubt that I will like shopping one day. Uncle Jasper is the quiet type. We seem to have much in common, I'm awfully quiet too, and we have the same since of humour.

I'm not sure how I feel about my parents. Bella, and Eddie haven't asked me many questions. I guess they are waiting for the right time, and give me a chance to understand what I've learned about them.

I'm currently sitting in the living room of the cottage. Eddie and Bella went hunting, which was explained to me thankfully or else I'd be confused because these peopl- vampires don't look like the shotgun type. Crap, they aren't people.

"Hey." Bella smiles as she and Eddie sit down on the opposite of the one I'm sitting on. "We wanted too ask you some questions, and get to know you, and understand you, Anna."

I sit up from laying. "Sure." I really don't care, because I get that they are my parents want too understand me more.

"When did Lindsey adopt you?" Eddie asks.

"Lindsey never adopted me." I say giving them a sad smile. "We were close... and I had only lived with her for a few years, but she talked time about." I take a deep breath. "I thought she was going to adopt me, but she's de-dead." I quietly speak.

"We are sorry." Bella tells me as she places her hand onto mine. "We thought we were protecting you by giving you your best chance." Bella tells me softly.

"It's okay, really." I tell her assuringly. "Just ask away."

"How many foster homes have you lived with?" Bella asks me carefully.

"About eight." Bella and Eddie give me a strange look. "Some were abusive, but I'm still alive." I add.

"What do you mean abusive?" Eddie asks with anger and concern in his voice.

"I would rather not go into those details." I answer.

"Edward, it's okay." Bella tries to calm him. I can see that neither of them are happy that I abused, more emotionally than physically.

"I guess I can tell you both the one time I was physically abused, but it was always emotional abuse..." I say uncomfortably as Bella nods. "My first foster mom, her name was Carla, and I lived with her for two years, I was three when I met her. When I was four or five she hit me because her biological son hated me, and we would always argue, and I guess she had enough of me. It was just a slap to my face." I shrug my shoulders. It's not the worst thing that has ever happened to me. "Ask me another question." I quickly demand.

Bella looks at me as she bites her lip. I do that too... "Favourite holiday?" Not really important, but something cheerful.

"I don't know because I've never really celebrated any..." I shrug my shoulders like it's nothing because it is nothing to me.

"We are sorry, Anna." Bella says as she moves over too me, and hugs me. I am so uncomfortable, just because I don't normally hug. Bella lets go of me, I assume that she realizes how uncomfortable that made me feel. "Sorry."

"Uh... it's fine." I reply.

"We are done with questions for today." Eddie tells me. "We can go back to the main house, I'm sure you're hungry."

I nod as I get up. I start walking with my parents. They are both nice enough to not speed ahead, and leaving me.

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