Chapter 10

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It has almost been a week since I moved into the Cullen house. The house is usually, always clean, and quiet if Emmet isn't playing video games, or if the football game isn't on. Thankfully I have my own room, since the house is big.

I haven't gone too school this week. Mrs. Cullen insisted that I just stay home, until Friday... so I have to go too school today. It might actually be a good thing, with going too school, and all. I'm just in so much shock, with what I saw, and everything that had happened.
Mrs. Cullen filled out paperwork, so it isn't illegal that I'm living with this family.

"You ready?" Ness asks me as we enter the school. "You know, Anna you can go back home if you want too." She adds.

"No, I'm fine." I softly answer. "School might be good for me anyways, and it can keep my mind off of things." I explain as we walk into class. Ness nods, and doesn't say anything else.

I find that for a Friday, the day is moving really slow. I also keep forgetting that I won't see Lindsey at home after the day ends. It's harder than I thought.

Sitting at the lunch table on my own, I stare blankly into space, at my hands. Knowing that there was so much that I could of done to prevent Lindsey from getting hurt, breaks me a little. What could I of done though?

"Hey, Anna?" Michelle asks. "Do you mind if I sit?" I shake my head, letting her sit beside me. "I'm sorry, with happened to your mom..." She drifts off. "I heard that the Cullen's took you in?"

"Yeah, actually they did." I answer bluntly. "Why?" My question comes off harshly. "S-Sorry..."

Michelle gives me a sad smile. "Don't be sorry. What has happened to you isn't easy, I'm sorry because I shouldn't of asked you."

"The Cullen's did take me in." I say. "I wasn't expecting this at all, and it isn't easy." I finish. Michelle nods as we sit in quiet for a couple minutes.

"They stare at you." Michelle blurts out. "Bella, Edward... all of them stare at you, but in this like... protective way." She explains in a hushed voice. "Kinda creepy."

I don't respond too Michelle's words. I know that they can be totally creepy, so it doesn't shock me at the very least. They can stare at me for all they want. I hadn't even talked too Michelle since last week, so how did she know what was going on? Maybe Ness told her? Forks is a small town, people know each other, and they talk.
If a human broke into the house, and killed the only person that I loved, then maybe it was someone I know. I need too know who did this to Lindsey, and I won't stop searching for answers until I know what happened.

"Anna?" I look up to see Alice. "Are you okay? Lunch is over." Alice shifts uncomfortably.

"Oh, yeah. I'm okay." I say. "Uh, thank you." I slowly walk away. That's was gonna get awkward.

Maybe I should just cut the last three classes today. It's just another day, and it's a short day. Who cares?

"Anna, what are you doing?" Ness asks me just as I'm about too leave the school. Goody over here will tell a teacher, or come with me. Let's see what she does.

"I'm cutting class. You wanna come?" I ask. "It'll be fine." I clarify. I can really tell Ness isn't a rebel.

"I-I... sure?" She answers almost like a question. "I'll join you, I have art this block anyways, I am sure it won't be a big deal if I miss it." Ness smiles.

"Great. So, I was thinking about taking the bus to Portland, and seeing a movie. It'll be fun." I say with a fake smile. "What happened last week is why you won't be seeing me going for a hike in the woods anytime soon."

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