Chapter 3

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I awake to sunlight shining into my room. I sigh annoyed because of it, I look at my iPod, it's 6:00am, perfect timing I guess.

I grab the clothes I want too wear today as I quickly head too the bathroom. I have a nice hot shower, preparing myself for the cold, and I do everything else I need to do.
I decide on leaving my hair natural. It has a slight wave. I have never been into makeup or anything like that, I have a tomboy style. My clothes I think will be alright for today, a simple long sleeved navy blue shirt, with my black and white flannel over top. I tend to wear jeans, darker washed or black, I don't mind, I have a of couple light washed pairs too. I grab my backpack, and I run downstairs.

"Good morning" I say as I slip on my sneakers.
"Good morning, here's $150 for groceries, and you already have bus change in your wallet?" Lindsey asks.
"Yes, and thank you." I say smiling.
"Of course, and I'll just drive you this morning. I should be able too now and than, it just depends on my schedule. Being a hair dresser is fun, but time consuming."
"I bet!" I agree as we head out the front door and I put the money in the small pocket of my bag.

I know that $150 is a lot of money too bring too school. Lindsey really does trust me with money, she knows I've snuck out before, and other things I rather not go into, but I've never stolen money.

"I should be home by five. If I'm late don't worry." Lindsey tells me.
"Okay, no problem. I can make something up for us tonight for dinner." I offer.
"That would be great, thank you Bella." Lindsey thanks me for my offer.

The rest of the car ride to school is quiet. I thanked Lindsey, and I make my way inside the high school.

"Hey, Annabella right?" A guy with brown hair asks me.
"Yeah. Anna or Bella." I say biting my lip.
"I'm Ian Noel. Word travels fast around here. I'll call you Anna, it suits you more than just calling you Bella. Do you need any help?" Ian asks.
I hesitate for a minute, but I do need help. "Please, I'm looking for the office. I need my classes."
"The office is right here." He says as we stop walking. "Where are you from? Ian asks.
"Thanks, and I'm from LA." I say. "I'll see you later." I add as I walk into the schools office.

"Ms? May I help you?" The office woman asks from in behind her desk.
"Yeah, I am new. My name is Annabella Renee." I say.
"Ah yes. I'm Ms. Stone." She says as she stands up. "Here are all your classes, and if there seems too be a problem with any of them, you may always come back and talk too your counselor." Ms. Stone explains.
I nod as I grab all the paper work.

I leave the office noticing I have PE first! This is going too be interesting. I have math class during second period, history in third period, and biology last.
I've always been good in math, and biology... I think I do okay in. I usually find those two classes easy, sometimes I have my struggles. I enjoy English the most, but I took it last semester at my old high school.

I make my way down too the change rooms. I realize that I don't have proper gym clothes.
"Hey, you are Annabella? Right?" A shorter girl ask me. She would have to be about 5'2, unlike me who is I'm 5'6.
"Yeah...Anna or Bella." I say uncomfortably.
"Anna, I am Michelle. Nice too meet ya!" She says with enthusiasm. "Do you want too borrow my other set of gym strip? It is a little big for me, you are tall enough so it should fit you." Michelle offers, I just nod and give her a polite smile. "Here. Just so you know, second semester only started a couple days ago, and I hope you are good with basketballs." She says as she gives me her extra gym clothes.
"Thank you, and I'm not really good with any physical activities. I'm kinda clumsy." I chuckle.
Michelle laughs a little. "I'm sure you aren't that bad. Mrs. Olsen is a good teacher." Michelle adds as we finish changing, and join the rest of the class.

"Hi. Annabella Renee?" Who I assume too be Mrs. Olsen asks, I just nod slowly. "Welcome to Forks, I see you must be borrowing Michelle Wallsons extra gym wear, don't worry, I will order you in some. Michelle always has backup." Mrs. Olsen smiles.
"Yes, it was nice of her too let me borrow her extra clothes." I reply. Mrs. Olsen smiles. "She's the only student that has two pairs of gym wear."

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