Chapter 8

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"Hey." Leah says as I enter her car. "I think you remember my little brother, Seth."

I turn to see Seth in the back seat of Leah's car. "Hey, Anna! It's good to see you. I thought it would be my pleasure to let you have shotgun." Seth says.
I smile at Seths words, he seems alright. "Thanks." I say as I turn around.

"So, you'll be meeting just our friends, and family. It's really nothing to be worried about, but if you get uncomfortable just tell them off, or let me know." Leah explains as she drives.

Once we get to La Push, Leah introduced too some of her friends, and family.
They all seem casual, and they are just normal people, unlike the Cullen family.

"You must be Anna! I'm Emily, and this is my husband Sam, and our daughter Cleo."
Emily has a scar that covers half her face. She looks really beautiful, but what happened too her?
"It's nice too meet you both, and Cleo." I smile.

"So, what do you think of Forks?" Sam asks.
"It's beautiful here, and different. The people seem... nice." I say.

"You look like Nessie!" Cleo giggles as Sam picks her up. "I'm seven years old, how old are you?" She smiles.
I'm not the best with children, and answering questions, so we will see where this goes.
"I'm sixteen years old." I answer.
Cleo looks very interested now. "That's the same age as Nessie! She's the best, wait are you her sister?"
What? "No, I'm not. I just met Ness at school last week... and her family." I say uneasily.

"Look, it's getting late. Cleo should of been in bed awhile go, now. It was great meeting you, Anna." Emily smiles as she, and her family leave.

I talk too more people, and the food tasted great! It has been actually, sorta fun meeting new people.
Hell, they seem really cool. I haven't even been too a barbecue, and so far I'm liking it.

"Hey, Anna." Seth smiles as he sits next too me on the log.
"Hey." I respond too Seth.
"Jacob was supposed to be here, but Renesmee Cullen invited him over for dinner instead." Seth randomly blurts out.
"Wait, you are friends with the Cullens?" I ask now uncomfortable.
Seth laughs. "Yeah sorta. Jacob is more a family friend than I am, because he and Bella Cullen go way back." Seth explains. "But now, since Bella is sorta with Edward Cullen, Jacob had Ness." Seth says.
"You call her Ness instead of Nessie too? Almost everyone called Ness, Nessie." I laugh a little.
"I know, but Ness isn't a monster so I don't think calling her "Nessie" suits her. Jacob came up with that nickname." Seth smirks.
"Of course he did. I've only met Jacob once, but I'm not overly shocked."

"Anna, hey." Leah smiles as she walks up too Seth, and I. "We should probably get going." Leah says as I get up. "Seth, you can get a ride home with Sam."

"Bye, Seth. It was fun." I smile. "See you around."
"You too, Anna. You should come too La Push more often."

I have too admit that it wasn't that bad. The barbecue was really fun. Sam, and Emily who are friends of Seth, and Leah seemed very sweet.
I even met Sam, and Emily's daughter Cleo.

Once I'm home i enter the house quietly. I am ten minutes before curfew, so not bad in my part at all.

"Lindsey?" I call out. "I'm back!" I shout. "Lindsey?!" I shout again. "I'm back ten minutes before curfew so we're cool?!"

Lindsey wouldn't be asleep. She always stays up for at least another hour. I know something isn't right. Even with all of my yelling she would be awake by now, if she was asleep.

I walk into the living room. I look down at the couch. It's Lindsey, is she asleep? I take a step closer, and I notice bite marks on her right arm.

"L-Lindsey?" I cry as I move her body which drops too the floor. "No!" I scream.

She's dead, Lindsey is dead. Who, or what could do this too her. Why would someone do this!
I can't move, I stand still as a bunch of emotions over power me.

I call the police. I can't believe this, why! Lindsey was my only family, so who would do this too her!
Lindsey wouldn't hurt anyone, so why would someone or something hurt her?

"Oh my god..." I say as tears run down my face.

"Annabella, we are going to bring you down too the station." Sheriff Swan informs me.
"What? I didn't do this, I wasn't even home!" I yell in anger.

What the hell is this mans problem? I wouldn't ever kill anyone. That's just sick, I hate this sheriff guy!

"Look, I know you didn't do this, but it's not safe here. It looks like some thing broke in through the back door, and it's safer if you stay away from here over night. Pack a bag." He explains.

I hurry upstairs too pack. I pack my duffle bag full.
I have no words, and I don't feel like screaming. I just want too know why, Lindsey?

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