Chapter 5

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Carter smiles evilly as she takes a step closer to me. "I'll spare you... just this once, but if I come across you again, you will not be as lucky." She says as she licks her lips, and within seconds, she's gone.

Remembering everything that happened with the creepy woman sends shivers done my spine. Carter was her name, or is her name perhaps.

I can't stop thinking about what she said to me. Now I'm here at school, how am I going to focus on everything if I'm only focused on one thing.

Half mortal, half immortal?

"Anna?" I hear Nessie say too me worriedly. "Are you alright?" Ness stares at me looking very worried.
"I'm fine. I-I just have a lot on my mind right now, Ness." I say as normal as possible.
Ness rolls her eyes, as if she doesn't believe me. "I call bull." She huffs. "You're a terrible liar, just like mo-" Ness cuts herself off. "Never mind."

What was she going too say? What is Ness talking about? "I'm like, who?" I ask harshly.
"Look, nobody. Let's skip today." Ness suggests, trying too change the topic.
"Nice try." I say annoyed.

"Hey!" I hear a familiar voice. I turn to see Michelle and Alicia. "Hey Anna, and Nessie." Michelle says happily.

I stare at Ness oddly. She owes me an explanation of what she meant by "mo" because I know for a fact that she was going too say mom.

"So, how are you liking Forks?" Alicia asks.
"I like it more than I thought I would." I answer. "It's not that bad here."

"Renesmee, we need to go." Edward says as he randomly approaches our small group.
"Nessie, now." Bella sternly says too Ness.
Ness nods but I grab her arm before she can leave with her "siblings".
"Ness, explain what you were going  to say too me. Now." I demand.

Michelle, and Alicia look confused. "Look, obviously Nessie is going too skip with Edward, and Bella. Is that much of a big deal? I mean, seriously, don't you skip?" Michelle asks.
I stare blankly at Michelle. "Alicia, and I will see you later, because that's what we are doing."

Once Michelle, and Alicia are gone, I look back at Ness.
"Anna, please." Ness says. She just looks at me, somewhat annoyed because I won't let her go.
"Anna, she will explain later." Bella says calmly.
Bella looked at me, like she wanted too tell me something. Her eyes were full of what it looked like to be fear.

"Ness, your family is strange, especially you. I will see you later." I say as I walk away from the freaks, otherwise known as the Cullen's. I give up on trying to get Ness to tell me what she meant, for now.

Bella is very different. She seems like without her family, she wouldn't have anyone that she would fit in with. I don't understand why they want to skip out of school with Ness.
The school would probably notify their parents, but maybe their parents are just freaky, and weird too.

Edward seems to be always following Bella. It's almost like, he is a lost puppy. How pathetic, although every female student in school is always checking him out, he prefers his foster sister, his Bella.
Personally, I'm sure that plenty of female teachers have checked Eddie boy out too.

I am just annoyed that Ness is clearly keeping something from me. Bella sure as hell probably knows, and that part irritates me.

Ness doesn't even seem like the student too skip. She seems too, goody-goody, and there isn't anything wrong with that.
I use to skip all the time. Even before I started living with Lindsey. I wasn't ever the popular girl, people are cruel, and I hated school so I skipped. I don't regret anything, especially when I skipped school.

"Hey, new girl!" I hear a familiar voice. It's Nick, of course. "Are you going too class?" He asks me.
I take a deep breath. "I'm cutting class today."
"The second day, and you're already cutting class?" Nick seems to be amused. "Have you had enough of Forks?" He asks.
"No, I just hate school." I say with a small smile. Nick shakes his head at my answer.
"You do surprise me." He smiles at me as we continue too walk.
"What's that supposed to mean? Am I supposed to be offended?" I ask jokingly.
"I'll see ya later." Nick says without responding.

"Oh... I am sorry." I say as I bump into someone, someone that happens to be the pixie Cullen. What was her name?
"No, I'm sorry. I am Alice, I do not think we've met." Alice says smiling. That's her name, it's not easy to forget, it suits her, in a good way.
"I'm Anna." I smile.
Alice doesn't seem to be as weird as Bella, and Edward.
"Why aren't you in class?" Alice frowns.
Why does she care? "Because, I'm cutting class today, yourself?" I question her.
"Honestly, I was going see Jasper, Bella, Edward, and Nessie. I know you are friends with Nessie." Alice smiles at the fact that I am I guess friends with Ness.
"Wait, you all cut class together?" I ask.
It would be cool too have siblings to skip with.
"Yes, Rosalie, and Emmet are off doing their own thing. Look, Anna, you should go to class." Alice suggests.
I'm very confused, because she's not even going to class.
"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Anna!" I hear Alicia's voice. "Oh... hey Alice." Alicia says uncomfortably as she walks up to us. "Anna, want to cut with Michelle, and I? Nick told us that you aren't going to class today so we thought about La push." Alicia offers.

I notice Alice has suddenly disappeared.

"What's a La push?" I ask.
Alicia giggles at my question. "It's La push beach. We hangout there a lot. Do you want to come?"
I rather be on my own. "No thanks. Today I think I'd rather be a lone wolf." I say politely. "I'll see you later." I smile.
"Okay, next time! See you later." Alicia smiles as she walks away.

I quickly run outside. I decide to go hiking in the woods. In LA we never had so much beautiful green like here in Forks.
I do also think that the woods would might be a good place to clear my mind.

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