Chapter 2

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The plane ride wasn't that bad. It was quick. I slept through it the entire time. Lindsey had to wake me up, or else I would've just kept sleeping.
She already got a rental van. I don't know about vans, apart from it being a black van.

"Alright, let put everything in the back." Lindsey says too me happily as we start to put our bags, suitcases, and boxes in the trunk, and the rest of our belongings.
Are you ready?" She asks me as we get in the car.
I bite my lip. "Yeah, you?" I ask unsure of how I actually feel now.
"Yes, I am. Don't worry, sweetie this is going too be a good change. I promise you." She says as she starts driving.

"The house I bought for us is cozy, but that's my opinion. The house has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, but the master has one bathroom, if we ever have guests over you will have too share." Lindsey explains.

"What about school?" I ask. I don't like school, but it actually isn't that bad. It's the beginning is semester two, but it's better than it being in the middle of the semester.
Lindsey smiles a little when I mention school. "You start tomorrow." I sigh when Lindsey speaks.

I just stare out my window. I notice how it's so green, and so cold here compared too home. I hate the cold, so this will take sometime getting use to, but it's beautiful here.
The sky is covered in constant cloud, and rain. There's no blue sky, no sun. Yup, some getting use too this will be.

"You know, we can go shopping next weekend, and pick you up a few new things?" Lindsey suggest with a laugh.
I hate shopping, I don't hate as much when I'm shopping for myself, that sounds rude, but overall I hate it. "Or you could go shopping, and buy somethings for the new house?" I suggest.
"That is probably a better idea." Lindsey says agreeing with my suggestion.

"Tomorrow I'm going car shopping while you are at school. I can give you some bus money." Lindsey informs me. "You are going to be seventeen in September, if you decide too get your license I'll look into buying you a car, because it's never too late." She smiles.
"You don't have too." I say. "It's ok-"
"Don't "it's okay" me." Lindsey says interrupting me. "I want too, you are like my own daughter ." When she says this I smile.

We've been on the road for a bet now. As we drive by the "Welcome to Forks" sign I notice that the population is 3, 747. I also notice that obviously the people here dress way warmer. It's probably freezing outside the van.

"So...what do you think?" Linsey asks, full of excitement of course.
"I-It's nice." I try and find my words, not knowing how too describe such a unique town.
Lindsey laughs a little. "It's sure going to be colder, and it's only the beginning of February. It'll warm up."
"Yeah? Does that make the ground slippery?" I ask. I'm very clumsy, and the last thing I need is too slip on ice.
This makes Lindsey smile at me, she knows me almost all too well.
"Yes, don't worry, I'm sure I'll be slipping too." She says, which makes me laugh.

"And here we are." Lindsey says as we pull into the driveway, of our new house.
"Looks cool." I say as we get out of the car.
The house is a white-grayish color, the windows look new, but the rest of the house looks fairly old, yet comfortable from the outside. I'm not use too a house with such remarkable character, that's what makes it cozy.

"Let's get in, it's freezing out here!" Lindsey suggests. "Plus, we have boxes to unpack. If you want a bed tonight don't worry, the owners left the old furniture behind, its new furniture too."

Great, used furniture. I'm not big on sleeping in a bed someone I don't know has already slept in, but whatever. Lindsey did a lot too make us both happy.

"Wow. This is nice." I say as we walk in. It's even cozy inside the house too. Lindsey nods in agreement.

"Hello? I'm Jacob Black, this is Seth and Leah Clearwater." A voice says coming from the front door, right behind Lindsey and me.
"Nice too meet you kids. I'm Lindsey Kevor."
"Annabelle. Hi." I say biting my lip.
"Annabella?" Jacob questions in a weird tone, it's almost like reassurance so I nod.

"Seth and I live up the road with our mom and stepdad, Jacob is our friend, and we wanted to know if you needed a hand?" Leah asks.

Leah's offer only makes Lindsey flattered. "Yes! That would be lovely! Thank you, if you could bring in some boxes that would be wonderful! Bella, why not you go on and help. I'll put them in the living room and after we can go through everything." I nod at Lindsey's orders.

Jacob chuckles for some reason as we walk towards the van. Leah smiles but quickly stops.
"What is so funny?" I ask raising my eyebrow.
Jacob then just stares at me. "I just know so many people named Bella." He says with a big goofy grin.

"Hey! Are you going to help, you three?" Seth asks as he carries four boxes.
"Yeah." Leah mutters as she grabs four as well, Jacob carries the last five.
People in Forks are strong.

"Wow! Amazing, thank you!" Lindsey says in shock everyone puts all the boxes down.
"No problem." Seth grins. "How did you get all this on the plane?" Seth asks making Leah and Jacob elbow him.
Lindsey laughs. "It was expensive, I won't lie."
"How did you know we took a plane?" I ask with my voice full suspicion and my eyebrow rises; once again.
"Just a wild guess!" Seth chuckles. I stare at Seth for a second, maybe he was born annoying? I'm annoying at times too though.

"Will, we better get going. It was nice meeting you both." Jacob says and before I know they are out the door.

"Those kids seemed nice, slightly weird but nice." Lindsey says as she begins to unpack.
"Yeah." I say. "Uhm...I think I'm going too explore the rest of the house." I add.

I walk upstairs deciding that I think I should check out what my new room looks like.
The bathroom that I'll be using to the left of the stair when you walk up, there's a linen closet, and the master bedroom is on the left. My room is at the end of the small hallway down past the master bedroom.

When I walk into my room, I notice the walls are a light gray. The curtains are blue, and it's a decent size room. Outside my window I have a view of the woods. There is carpet flooring all throughout the house which I don't mind, it has been kept nice and clean over the years.
The furniture has also been kept nice. I have a desk, a dresser and a nightstand, as well as a bed.

"So...what do you think?" Lindsey asks, scarring me a little. "Sorry, I didn't mean too sneak up on you."
"No, it's fine. I like it." I smile. "It's really nice." I add.
"I'm glad you like it. I think this will be good for the both of us. I have ordered pizza for dinner, you should unpack before we eat." Lindsey orders me.
"Thanks, and yeah I will. What kind?" I ask.
"We are going too keep it classy for tonight, one large cheese." Lindsey says as she leaves.

I decide too listen. I unpacked almost everything. I already do have a liking to my room. I find it odd that I am already settling in so fast. I don't if it's the house, or the nice people, it could be both; I already feel at home.

"Awesome!" I say excitedly as I run downstairs. I smell the pizza, it's a wonderful smell.
"I think that we deserve this, we did good with unpacking. I can do the rest after I get a car, and take back that rental van back tomorrow while you are at school." Lindsey says as we sit down at the table in the kitchen.
"What about food? After school I can pick some up from the store." I offer.
"That would be wonderful." Lindsey smiles thankfully. "I can give you money and I'm sure you know what we need. I will give you the money in the morning."

The rest of dinner was quiet as we ate. I decided to finish with my room, and help Lindsey unpack the living room and the bathroom. Tomorrow I'll help her with the kitchen, and the dinning room.

I decide to wash up. I head too the bathroom, and I brush my teeth. I rinse face, and rush too my room.
I shut the door behind me and quickly climb in bed.
My iPod reads 9:49pm.
I wonder what school will be like tomorrow. I've always did homeschooling, but it doesn't mean that I'm nervous for tomorrow, maybe a little. Tomorrow is a new day, and I just hope it goes smoothly.

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