Chapter 4

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After the Cullen's dropped me off, I put all the groceries away. I decided to also just make dinner right after.
Dinner turned out pretty good, in my opinion. I think Lindsey will be very pleased.

I hear the front door shut. I make my way to Lindsey, knowing it is her. Who else would it be?

"Hey kiddo. How was your first day?" Lindsey asks.
"It was okay. I made some dinner, and the extra change is in the kitchen, on the counter." I say.
"Yes, I can smell the spaghetti. It's smells wonderful."

As Lindsey put her things down, we begin eating. Good thing that Lindsey and I enjoy eating the same foods. It would make dinner a lot more difficult, and I don't like difficult.

"How was your day?" I ask through mouthfuls of my food.
Lindsey sighs, but begins talking. "It was good, but on my way home I was pulled over by a cop." Lindsey finishes as she shakes her head.
I smirk. "That's what you technically get for, what was it? Red light, texting, or speeding?" I ask.
Lindsey rolls her eyes at me. "I was actually driving too slow. Way under the speed limit." She defends.

Lindsey was pulled over about a year ago. She was only caught for driving through a red light.

"So, I have to pay for a ticket." Lindsey huffs. "I'll clean up." Lindsey offers.

"I'll go for a walk." I tell her as I leave to find my shoes. "I'll try not too get lost. Last thing I need."

I head out the front door. It's a cloudy day. It's very cold out, but I would of expected it to be a lot colder. Forks isn't that bad. I just feel so, comfortable here.

It's been about twenty minutes now. I think that it is time to go home, since it's getting darker, and colder outside.

"Hello." I hear a voice from behind me. I turn too look. A young blonde woman, she couldn't be any older than thirty smiling at me, but her smile is creepy, and her eyes are so unusual. Do I see red? People don't have red eyes, I mean, only if this is a joke, and this lady is wearing contacts.

"I said, hello." Her smile grows viciously. "What's your name? I'm Carter." Carter introduces herself as she begins too walk closer, and closer towards me.

I take a step back. "Annabella." I say as I try to hide the nervousness is my voice.

"You're so... beautiful, and so, so different. Half mortal, half immortal." Carter says as she walks slowly around me. "You do smell good, should I hurt such a beautiful, creature?" She questions herself.

I don't understand; half mortal, half immortal? Is this woman just crazy?

"I-I don't understand what you are talking about." I say as bravely as I can. "I'm just a regular person." I add.

Carter laughs at me. "You don't know?" She pauses. "You aren't like anything that I've ever seen, do you not know what you are, and what you can do?" Carter now faces me, only inches away. "You must've been adopted, am I correct?" She asks, I just nod. "My, oh my, clearly your biological parents were trying too protect you, from themselves, or something much worse." Carter says evilly.

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