Chapter 11

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"Ness is my sister." I whisper too myself. I stand in the living room speechless.

"Anna." Edward says which takes me back by surprise. "Nessie, and you are also hybrids."

"What the hell?" I say. "What are you talking about?" I ask full of mixed emotions in my voice, one of them being confusion.

"We aren't human, Anna." Dr. Cullen answers. "We are something much worse." Dr. Cullen pauses. "Vampires."

Vampires aren't real. I have a feeling the the doc has been taking some of his patients medication. I can't even respond too such stupidity.

"Annabella." Edward says carefully as he looks at me. "Bella was a human over sixteen years ago. She's your mother, and you may not believe us, but this is the truth. Bella is your mother, and I am your father."

"Stop lying!" I yell at Edward. "Are you all on drugs or something?" I ask angry. "I-I need proof." I say calmly. They look completely honest, but how?

Edward grabs my arms with such strength. I whimper in pain as he drags me out of the house. Suddenly I'm thrown on top of his back. What the hell is going on? I'm mad, confused, and freaked out. Edward starts running fast, faster than I thought possible. By the time I know it, we are on the top of a mountain. It over looks the forest, and other mountains. The view is absolutely breath taking. I've never seen so much green in my entire life.

"Do you believe me?" Edward asks me.

"I-I don't know what too believe." I mumble as I take in what is happening. "Vampires aren't real?"

Edward laughs at my words. How rude. "Vampires are real. I'm your dad. I have no reason too lie too you. Annabella Renee. Bella's moms name is Renee." Edward tells me.

"So... those people are actually vampires too? The ones that you guys attacked?" I ask. "And you are m-my dad?" It's weird, I notice how we have many similar features. He's like, seventeen though.

"Yes. Bella, and I'll explain everything to you back at the house." Edward tells me.

Vampires are real? When I was seven, I was with a decent foster family. I dressed up as a vampire for Halloween. This is extremely mind blowing.

Once we are back at the house Bella, and everyone else are back. Ness looks at me with guilt.

"Hey, what the hell?" I'm pinned up against the wall by none other than Jacob?

"Jacob!" Bella says as she pulls him off of me. "Don't you dare touch Anna." Bella says throw gritted teeth.

"She left Nessie is Portland, all on her own." Jacob says as he stares at me.

"Jacob?" I question. "What the hell man!" I say angrily at him. "Does he know what you all are?" I ask.

"Yeah." Ness says as she awkwardly sits down in the living room.

"Anna, please sit down." Bella pleads as Jacob angrily runs outside. I decide too sit.

"Why?" I ask Bella who looks sad. "Why just me? You never gave up Ness." I say feeling hurt.

"Anna, you are more human than Renesmee. You were in danger, because there are other vampires out there. They can easily hurt you." Bella explains. "Edward, and I wanted too give you a normal life."

"When we found out that it was you that moved here, we were shocked." Edward adds. "It wasn't easy."

"So? I have more human DNA in me?" I ask.

"Yes, you hated blood as an infant." Dr. Cullen speaks. "You were also weaker than Nessie, you were fragile."

"We want too get to know you." Alice says. "But first... I'm you aunt, as well as Rosalie. Fathers side." Totally not weird?

"I'm the cool uncle, Jasper ain't." Emmet says jokingly. "Bad time for jokes?" What an idiot.

"Carlisle, and Esme are my adoptive parents. Sheriff Swan is Bella's father." Edward explains, ignoring Emmett. "We are your family, and it wasn't safe for you."

"But it was safe for Renesmee?" I say in disgust.

"No." Bella says. "The other vampires out there... they would of killed you. The worst of them, call themselves the vultori." Bella continues explaining who and what the vultori are.

Since I have more human genes than my sister, I would of been in more danger. The vultori don't know about me. Carlisle said one day, sooner than later we will have to tell them about me. No one liked the idea, but they agreed with Carlisle, including myself. I can't be hidden within the shadows of this family forever.

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