Chapter 25

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"Who's better than you?" Tanzie asked earnestly, taking in her daughter's new appearance. An appearance she'd unintentionally taken a heavy hand with...

Just minutes earlier, a package had arrived for Tanzie. She had been looking forward to this delivery, and would finally have the chance to prove to herself that she didn't need help from the experts. Eagerly, she made her way into the kitchen, just moments from realizing her cosmetological destiny.

"Whatcha got there, Mama?" Colby inquired from the far end of the kitchen.

"I ordered a waxing kit," Tanzie said excitedly, slicing through the last piece of tape. "They always get my eyebrows wrong at the salon, and I figured that it can't be that hard."

Colby, unaware of the horrors awaiting her, and piqued with curiosity, found herself digging through the kit alongside her mother. Tanzie skimmed through the instructions.

"Okay, baby," she said. "Hand me the container that's got the wax in it. We've gotta microwave it for a minute and a half."

As the container rotated in an endless circle, Tanzie turned to Colby, her bright blue eyes sparkling. While they were mother and daughter, the bond they shared was thicker than sisters.

"How 'bout we start with you?" Tanzie suggested cheerfully. Colby hesitated, but ultimately agreed.

Retrieving the tub from the microwave, Tanzie placed it on the countertop. They eyed its contents nervously as the green substance bubbled and spit.

"Do you think we should let it cool down a bit?" Colby asked, uncertainty taking hold.

"The instructions say to do it right away, so the wax doesn't get too thick," Tanzie replied. She grabbed one of the application sticks, dipping it into the wax. Without pause, she spread it across Colby's skin.

"Sweet Moses, Mama!" Colby exclaimed. The temperature of the wax scalded her, but the pain was brief as Tanzie massaged a small square of white fabric over the area.

"Sorry, honey," Tanzie said. Her eyes scanned the instructions as she continued applying pressure to the small section. "Alright, one...two...three!"

She ripped the cloth quickly from Colby's face, the sound of hair tearing from its root the only thing Colby heard. The pain registered a short moment later, and she winced, rubbing the battle zone furiously.

It was only then that she saw her mother's face, her hands clasped over her mouth. "I can fix it!" Tanzie yelped, the doubtfulness acutely evident in her saucer-sized eyes as an errant chuckle burst forth from behind her hand.

"Mama, don't tell me..." Colby mumbled. She took off like a shot for the hallway bathroom. Tanzie followed, laughing unapologetically at the terrible mistake she'd just made.

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