Chapter 39

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"Can you fit this bag in your truck with all of that equipment, babe?" Colby asks, taking in the contents of my truck's bed. It's filled to the brim with various equipment and gear for the team, a consequence of the school being too cheap to rent a Greyhound bus to get us to the State Championship game.

"I've got this," I say, jamming Colby's duffle into a crevice I've located next to the wheel well. To be fair, she's already got two more bags stuffed into the cab of my truck. I've been more than generous with space for all of her beautification supplies.

It's been a long three weeks, but somehow we've made it. All of our hard work in practices paid off, carrying us through a triple threat playoff bracket with relative ease. We're packing up for Dallas, our destination: Cowboy's Stadium.

I can hardly believe my good fortune. To be able to play my final high school football game in the same place as all of the legends I've watched my whole life is a dream come true. I think we have a pretty good shot at a win, too.

Throughout our playoff games, Nash was plowing through everything the defenses had to offer, our own defense was like a brick wall, and Cole was like a man on a mission. I swear, the guy couldn't miss.

He's changed, too.

For the past few weeks, I've been picking Cole up from his new digs and taking him to school. His circumstances are beyond comprehension to me, and I'd be lying if I didn't admit that the way he's handled everything is admirable. Yep, I said it.

My former nemesis. Ha. How far we've come.

Our dynamic has changed at school, too, with Cole opting to join Nash, Ari and me, instead of returning to all of his fair-weather compatriots. They dumped him so quickly it must've given him whiplash.

Needless to say, Ari and Nash were taken aback, but being the great friends that they are, they didn't ask questions. They simply welcomed their teammate with a handshake and a nod.

Things seem to be looking up for Wynn and Cole as well, I think. They seem to be on the verge of making up anyway, as he catches a ride home with Wynn each afternoon. I'd call it progress.

"We've gotta go, Mom," I shout. She steps outside, hugging Colby and me in turn.

"Be careful on your drive, and call me when you get there," she says, patting my cheek like I'm a five year old. "I'll see you for the game on Saturday! I should be bringing Luke," she adds, waving goodbye as I help Colby into my truck.

That's good. Luke needs a chance to get out. The three Byers siblings have been with Tanzie round the clock since they brought her home from the hospital to include, shockingly enough, a semi-sober Alex. Thankfully, Tanzie has been stable, alleviating some of the burden when the kids have to be away at school.

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