Chapter 31

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"Check it out," Ari says, whipping an object from beneath his jacket. It's an Edward Cullen figurine.


"Since when did you start playing with dollies?" Nash croons, suppressing a chuckle.

"It's not mine, asshole," Ari growls, scowling. "As if you didn't know that. It's from your girlfriend's collection, idiot. I thought it would help us shop for Wyatt here, since he's going as Edward." He slaps me on the shoulder, handing me the doll that I don't want anybody to see me holding.

"Umm, thanks," I manage, eyeing the pasty toy, and cringing at the words 'going as Edward'. If this doesn't exemplify my level of devotion to B, I don't know what will...

The guys and I are at the local Goodwill searching for my Halloween costume. The Harvest Festival is tomorrow night, and the whole school will be there, dressed to the nines for the shindig. It's an annual event that usually happens when we have our bye weekend—in other words, there's no football this weekend, so it's time to party hard. What better excuse for a party on a non-football evening than Halloween?

A lot of couples choose matching costumes, but Colby thought it would be more fun for us to surprise each other. What she doesn't realize is that she's an open book to me. I know she's gonna go as Bella Swan from Twilight. She's been obsessed with the books and the movies for as long as I can remember.

My girl is gonna be stunned when she sees me though. I know she'd never expect this level of participation from me, as I usually go dressed as a football player. Creative, I know. After the years of separation we've just miraculously come through, I find myself wanting to impress her. We're not wasting any more time.

"Here!" Ari shouts, pulling a gray, double-breasted wool coat from the rack we've been combing over. It's a near-perfect replica of the coat on the scary doll I'm concealing in my hand.

Ari pulls the jacket from the hanger, handing it to me. I reluctantly shrug it on over the dark t-shirt and black pants I went shopping in for authenticity purposes. I'm immediately met with snickers from my comrades when I turn to face them. Nash pulls the Edward doll from my hand, holding it up next to me.

"Dude, you're twins!" he declares, laughing heartily at my embarrassment.

Do this for her, dickhead...

I sigh, nodding and making peace with my humiliation. For her, I would do anything. Even dress up as a damn vegan vampire.

We head to the checkout lane, Ari and Nash having already purchased their costumes well in advance. Leave it to me to shop at the last minute.

Really, it's a wonder that I'm doing any of this at all. Going to the Harvest Festival is typically something I enjoy every year, even despite the years' long estrangement between B and me. It provided an opportunity to relax and kick back, without the looming threat of a football game. No pressure.

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