Author's Note

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Heeeeeey guys this you MoonLightPoet Luna and this right here is my author's note! Phew I thought this day would never come haha! Now you know me before I get into the rambling and mumbling I know I have said this a lot but thank all of you so much. You made the first book a big hit and you are doing the same with this one. A thousand thank yous really. Okay now off to the facts of Rising of The Blood Moon

-This had to be the hardest book for me because it was during the school year. I really have to focus in school since I have the attention span of a goldfish, and writing this book and keeping those scenes from mushing my brain was really hard.

-And speaking of those scenes. I had to cut back majorly from them in this book because of school. I can't be up in class thinking about that stuff. I wouldn't be able to function if it was on my mind the entire time.

-As always the story didn't go the way I originally planned it. Its a good thing it didn't or this book would have been complete chaos.

-You have to remember some things with my writing, I do leave you hints about what is going to happen in the next book. Can you guess who the third book will be about?

-Correct! it will be all about Belle and her adventure with her mate! And you know me, it should be a very awesome book.

-As my way of torturing you guys I will make you wait for Belle's book cause I still got to think it up. :)

-For a little fyi The Master's Pet series will have in total four books, just so you know.

Well I guess this is the end of Rising of the Blood Moon! I really hope you all enjoyed it and once again thank you and I love you all. For now I have another book in store for you, but this time it will not be about werewolves. This book will be about angels. Be on the look out for it its called Dark Angel(GirlxGirl) and I hope you guys will read that one too and love it. This is Luna singing off :) 

PS: The third book is out now:) Its called Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)   

Rising of The Blood Moon (GirlxGirl)(Sequel of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now