Chapter 22

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Luca's P.O.V. (their grandfather)

I sat in the back of the church and admired the decoration. This had always been Stella's dream wedding and I am so happy she got what she wanted. I look at Daniel, he was very tense and lost all the playfulness he had from when he was younger. I would give anything to give it back to him. The poor kid grew up too fast when his parents died. The groom and groomsmen started making their way up to the alter and what I saw surprised me. 

What was Stella doing marrying a guy like him. The man at the alter was buff with tattoos showing where ever the suit did not cover. This an was too much like her brother she would never marry him.

I was broken from my thoughts when Daniel nudged me and showed me his phone. "I cannot read that" I whispered over in English so no one in the church could understand. 

"The wedding is a setup to kill us and Stella is being forced to do this, the boys are gonna go find Ella." said Daniel as he leaned closer to me, "we have to stop this wedding."

I knew it as soon as I saw the guy. My anger spiked as I thought of someone forcing my sweet Stella to do something like this. "I have an idea."

I grabbed my chest faking pain and fell into the aisle. I have had two heart attacks so this was the most believable thing that could happen. 

The congregation looked for the source of the sound that echoed when I hit the ground and immediately the room went into chaos. People were shouting everywhere but I heard the distant sound of high heels running. 

A few seconds later Stella was kneeling beside me. "Andrà bene. l'ambulanza è sulla buona strada. Tenere duro. Solo per favore non lasciarmi." she sobbed in Italian. (It will be okay. the ambulance is on its way. Hang in there. Just please don't leave me.)

A stretcher was brought in and I was transferred on. Daniel and Stella ran behind me the paramedics kept everyone in the church, to allow them space. As we got outside I asked the paramedics to stop. 

I whispered in Stella's ear, "Do you have a car?"

She nodded her head still crying,but pointing to a white Rolls Royce, much like the one we came in. 

"Good," I answered before jumping off the stretcher and running for the car. Daniel gave a chuckle and grabbed a flabbergasted Stella and ran for the car as well. Like Stella always had the keys were in the cup holder. I started the car and sped out of the parking lot after Daniel got he two of them in. 

"What just happened?" Stella asked as she recovered from her shock.

"Well," Daniel explained the text and Ella to Stella as I focused on getting to the airport. We pulled in and I left the car in front we no longer needed it. The three of us got out of the car and went to the front desk. 

"Quando parte il prossimo volo disponibile a Toronto per sei persone. Non mi interessa il prezzo." I spoke to the lady that sat behind the desk. (When is the next available flight to Toronto for six people. I do not care the price.)

"Toronto?" Daniel questioned but I dismissed his comment with the wave of my hand. 

"Ho un volo che sta lasciando in venti minuti, ma ci sono solo cinque posti a sedere. Il prossimo volo disponibile sarebbe domani mattina." The lady kindly answered, Daniel went  to say no but I stopped him once again. (I have one flight that is leaving in twenty minutes but there are only five seats. The next available flight would be tomorrow morning.)

"Sì," I answered and set my credit card on the table. (Yes)

She printed the six tickets and handed them to me I gave two to Daniel and Stella. 

"Get her home safe Daniel, I will wait for Everett and the theirs to come I will meet you tomorrow at the airport." I whispered before letting them head to their flight. 

They disappeared and I waited. It was now cutting it close they had called last call for their flight when I saw Everett and Kaleb come in. They ran to me, "She is gone".

I wanted to cry myself but I knew we had to leave so I grabbed the two of them and headed to the gate. If we wanted Ella back we would need to be safe and get a plan. We got on the plane and went  to our seats. It was then that it hit me. We still did not save Ella.


Hello Wattpadions..... SO any guesses on where Ella is, and how did Alex and her plan go? 

This is the second of three updates today I hop you enjoy. 

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