Chapter 20

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Everett's P.O.V.

My hand shook with sweat as I slid my black tie into place. I was alone in the hotel room now, the others have gone down for breakfast. I looked over at the mirror, I wore the same suit I wore to mom's and dad's funeral. I let out a shaky breath trying to calm down. I couldn't let them figure anything out for Ella's sake. 

The video of her being beaten replayed over and over in my mind every second. His scratchy voice still mocked me in sleep and every waking moment. Keep following me and your parents will not be the only dead ones. My fists clenched at my side and I turned around from the mirror. 

I slipped out of the hotel room, the click echoing down the vacant hallway. It was 8 am and the wedding started at 12. Reaching the lobby I brought myself out of my thoughts. I looked around to see the three of them sitting on the terrace, with food in front of them. 

I got to the table and sat opposite to Kaleb. A waiter walked over and said something I didn't understand. I was about to say something when Daniel answered. 

"Egli avrà fette biscottate e un caffè con latte." Daniel spoke his old accent coming out.

The sound made me smile Although I still didn't understand. It reminded me of when we were younger. Daniel being the first child both our parents spoke Italian around him so he can fluently speak both languages. When we were little he would always say things in Italian to tease Ella and I, that we did not understand.

The Waiter nodded and headed back to the kitchen before setting my breakfast in front of me. I slowly ate and sipped on my coffee. I numbly ate until the plate was gone. The whole table sat in silence, no one spoke a word. 

Grandpa checked his watch before nodding at us all. "It is 11 we must head to the church," his voice held so much happiness. It was not hard to fake his excitement. 

"Okay," Daniel said throwing some money on the table as we all got up. 

Daniel and Grandpa walked ahead. I got up to follow when Kaleb grabbed my shoulder. He pulled me into a hug whispering in my ear, "do not worry we will get her back." 

He pat my back before heading in the direction the others went. I followed behind, which led us back into the lobby and then outside to a shiny black Rolls Royce. i slid in the back after Kaleb the cold leather stealing my heat through the material of my suit. 

I tapped my fingers against my leg a habit Ella always hit me for. She would whine about how it was too distracting, but distraction was what I needed right now. We arrived at the large church and people stood outside chatting loudly while throwing around their hands. 

Daniel and Grandpa made rounds talking to people as Kaleb and I distracted each other talking about the new football season that is about to start at school. Soon enough the bells rang and people made their way into the church. 

Our plan was starting. Once we were inside, Daniel and Grandpa would sit down, Kaleb and I were going to go downstairs and sneak out. During the reception, they would be the only ones who could speak to people let alone distract them enough. 

Kaleb and I fell into the middle of the crowd before slipping into the stairwell. We walked as quiet as possible down the cement stairs our footsteps still softly echoed though. We reached the doors at the bottom and I went to grab the handle when Kaleb slapped my hand. 

I looked at him weird but he did not pay attention, instead he looked around the room until he spotted a small cart with glasses on it. He grabbed two off the tray and handed one to me. 

He set his on the door and I copied him and that's when I heard the voices on the other side. 

"William I got them to my Wedding but can't you kill them after? I just want to see Grandpa one last time" A voice sobbed. 

"Stella this was the deal, now leave and go get married." I am guessing William scolded.

"What you said if I got them here I wouldn't have to marry him." Stella seemed to cry harder, "You said you would get me out of Italy and not bother me."

"My dear sister," He cooed mockingly, "I lied and you were dumb enough to believe it now go marry him so I can gain a new asset.  I will kill them after then and then Ella and I will move." 

We pulled away from the door. Kaleb pulled out his phone and typed a message showing it to me and sending it to Daniel. 

William going to kill you after the wedding get out and meet us at the airport. we will be there with Ella. Also Stella is being forced to marry, if you can stop it. 

With that we ran up the stairs and out the front entrance we had no time to waste. We sped out of the church taking the Rolls Royce. We parked a block away from the house, and got out. Beside the house was a small alley that we went in trying to find a window. WE almost gave up before we saw a small rusted door on the back of the house.

Kaleb kicked it open with a bang. We entered a silent house. The place had been flipped as if someone left fast or was looking for something. We searched the house top to bottom finding the camera used to record that horrible video and Ella's blood, but no Ella. 

My knees hit the floor...

We were too late.


Hello Wattpadions... So how was that chapter? Where is Ella? The next chapter will be Daniel's or the Grandpa's so vote for which one you want. The chapter after will be Ella's. I might throw in a small chapter this weekend in Stella's P.O.V. just to explain the whole forced marriage thing but I am not sure yet. 

Next weekend is Easter... Yay that means less school. I cannot wait.

Don't forget to...

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