Chapter 11

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"Surprised to see me" a gruff voice questioned.

I looked up and all colour drained from my face, standing their infront of me was the one and only....


"Hhow didd you get oout of prison?" I asked shakily.

"Let's just say they may be hiring soon" he said smirking.

I choke back a sob and try to get out of his grip. Then the other 6 guys enter the clearing, I guess they met up with the other two.

"Was she alone?" Jacob asked daringly.

"No" one said.

"Then where is the other person, because I only count one prisoner" he said getting mad.

"By now probably called the cops and searching for us" I said triumphantly. My triumph was cut short when I was thrown to the ground.

"Who did she come with?" He asked as the goons scratched the backs of their heads. "Are you stupid, ugh" he said as he bent down to my level "who the hell did you come with?"

"Me" I heard from behind Jacob.

Jacob spun around and got to his feet glaring at Kaleb. "So I am guessing that means she chose you" he spat out you.

Kalebs P.O.V.

I watched as Jacob sun around to face me and stood up glaring at me in disgust. I gave him my own glare trying to stall until the police came.

"So I am guessing that means she chose you" he said almost as if it was painful to say it.

"Yeah because unlike you and Caden I actually like Ella not some f*cked up personal sob story." I spat as I watch Ella get curious, oh shit she didn't know about Caden.

"Awe how petty" Jacob spat "you actually thought love exists and even more you thought you could protect her. I had a question, how stupid are you?"

"Well obviously smarter than you" I said as I watched Daniel and cops sneak up behind the minions 1 through 6. Daniel looked ready to beat Jacob to death.

"Oh yeah and how are you smarter" Jacob challenged.

"Well I was smart enough to stall your dumb *ss" I said.

Then he did the stupidest move ever he turned his back on a pissed off trained fighter. "Wrong move" I said as kicked him in the side.

He spun around and put his arms up "bring it the f*ck on" he said as he twitched his left shoulder before trying to deliver a punch. I laughed and grabbed his fist twisting it until I heard a crack breaking it.

I was swear everyone else was fighting but I was hellbent on killing Jacob. He drew his right leg back before throwing it at my mid section. I grabbed his foot using my right leg to hit the back of his other leg successfully dropping him to the ground.

I got on top of him holding his arms at his side before setting my knees on the inner side of his elbows imobilizing him. I started punching his face until it was bruised bloody and unrecognized. I punched him once more and felt his struggling stop telling me that he was on unconscious. I stood up and kicked him in the head before looking around.

Daniel and the cops were either just finished or just finishing. Ella was shaking by a tree tears streaming down her face. I ran over and got their at the same time as Daniel. I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned into my chest. Daniel rubbed her back as her sobs turned to light snores.

I know Daniel and I were feeling the same way, we were heartbroken for Ella but we are ready to kill any sick person who was even told about this evil plan


Hello Wattpadions so I realized how easy this chapter was to write so I change my promise I will write one more tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for still reading and be ready the next chapter may or may not break your hearts into billions of pieces.

Until the have fun and enjoy.

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