Our first kiss ♥

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Two weeks before ~

People think their first kiss is going to be out of this world amazing.

Mine was beyond that. It was literally galaxies out of this world. It was full of small gasps, shaky fingers intertwined in each others hair--the sliding of our lips against lips.

Hands were placed on hips hotly, sweet nothings were whispered in the span of a single breath, and both of us felt that heated moment between us like it was everything and nothing at the same time.

It was breathtaking.  

The only problem was that I had no idea who it was.

But that’s not the point. The point is, the day I kissed my Prince Charming, I was having a pretty bad day. Actually, as drama queens would quote, it was the worst day of my life. Though we all know that’s not how it ended.

Because on top of just failing math, I was now doomed to having to find a tutor with only a semester left of school. If that didn’t royally suck already, the tutor list was full, I knew no one smart enough at calculus to help me, and if, no when, the cheerleading coach got wind of the big fat F gleaming on my report card, I would be kicked off the squad faster than you can say pom poms.

So yeah, I was having a bad day.

I sighed and trudged slowly down the hallway, the idea of heading to class too depressing. I would have rather of been killed right then and there then have to live out the rest of the day doing god knows what.

I just couldn’t see how it could have gotten worse.

Of course, I blamed Mr. Vincent one hundred percent. If his voice wasn’t enough to put sheep to sleep, I wouldn’t have had a problem staying awake.

He was the kind of teacher who took his job way too seriously and anyone or anything that got in the way of that wouldn’t last the semester. I was part of the handful of kids who, unfortunately, got in the way.

I didn’t see the point in figuring out problems and solving configurations that would never help in real life situations. If they just took my complaints seriously, and taught us something useful for once, I wouldn’t be having this problem.

I pushed my hair back into a tight ponytail, hoping the small task would drown out the nerves and anger that slowly coursed through me.

I was seriously going to get my revenge on Mr. Vincent one day. He knew first hand how important the grade was to me, and instead of waking me and and forcing me to pay attention, he just let me sleep on through his lesson.

As I was focusing on Mr. Vincent instead of my hair like I hoped, I passed a small, disclosed janitor closet. I stopped, looking up and down the hallways to see if anyone like me was ditching class.

When all I saw was boring lockers and a dirty floor, I turned back to the closet and debated if I should go in.

What else was I going to do? Stand in the hallway and sulk till the bell wrong? And if I did, the chances of me getting caught only doubled. Yeah, getting detention on top of a failing grade didn’t really sound like something I wanted to add to the growing list of suckiness.

I sighed and before I knew what I was doing, I jerked the janitor closet open and hurried inside, slowly shutting the door and closing off the only light left.

Then, as the door finally clicked shut,  I was suddenly obscured in complete darkness. I couldn’t even see me hand in front of my face if I tried.

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