Chapter 17

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Dedicated to @WouldYouRather for that awesome book cover on the side!


I wake up to the aroma of pancakes. I instantly jump up and walk quickly to the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday!" My parents yell!!!

I look around and see birthday signs, balloons and streamers.

"Thank you." I say giving them a big hug.

Dad pulls out a box with a card on top from behind his back and hands it to me.

I open the card first and it's pink with a big 16 on it. Inside the card it says

To Dear Vanessa.

Happy Birthday!!!

I hope you have a lovely day.

Love from Mum and Dad

I place the card on the coffee table and open the pink box. Inside is an Apple Phone. It's the latest model. A smile creeps upon my face.

"Thank you so much. You didn't have to get me anything else the room was enough."

"Well we knew how much you missed your phone, but there is still one more surprise. Eat breakfast than we will go get changed and you will find out."

I look at them curiously thinking of what they are up to. I sit down at the table and grab some pancakes. I spread my usual butter and sprinkle it with icing sugar on top. I sip all of my orange juice in one go after eating 4 pancakes. I place my hand on my stomach and take a big breath out.

"Full I see". My dad states.

I nod and quickly. Get up from the chair to go brush my teeth and get changed. I put on a hot pink jumpsuit and wear my hair out. I slip on a pair of cream sandals and walk back near the kitchen. I grab my new phone and open it. I turn it on and go sit on the lounge. I fill in the normal questions you answer when you set up a new phone. Than sooner than I know it it's all setup. I change my background and download some apps.

"All ready I presume?" Mum asks me.


"Ok well meet us in the car we will be there in a second. Here are the keys."

I grab the keys of my mum and walk outside to the car I hop in the back and play on my phone while I wait.

My parents hop in the car 5 minutes later and click the seatbelts on.

"Ready?" Dad asks

"Ready as I will ever be" I reply

"Well let's go".

We drive for about ten minutes and arrive at a pet store. I instantly know why we are here.

We find a parking spot close to the door and get out of the car. We walk through the doors and we are encountered with noises of all animals. The tweets of birds, meows of the cats and the barking of the dogs.

I look at my parents with a grin on my face.

"Choose what you would like my parents state" with them also having grins on their face.

I give them both a big hug thanking them again.

I look around the pets shop looking at each and every animal there is. I look at the fish, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs until one particular pet catches my eye. I walk over to where the dogs are kept. There are all different types of them. There's Jack Russel's, Poodles, Chihuahuas. All sorts of dogs. They all come to the windows jumping up and down. There's one little Chihuahua that is near the back trying it get to the front near the others. She's white with black starting at her right eye and finishing at her ear.

My parents come walking over to where I am standing with the shop worker.

"Made a decision?" Dad asks.

I nod pointing to the little Chihuahua at the back. The shop worker opens the window and grabs the little puppy at the back and places them in my arms.

"She's the runt of the family." the shop worker states.

I take another look at the adorable puppy and know I have made my choice. I look at my parents and smile.

"We will take her thanks." My mum sates to the worker.

"Would out also like to buy food, toys and a bed?"

I nod. I walk over to the accessories and start looking. I choose a pink collar with a pink leash. I choose a silver food and water bowl and grab some food while I was there. I also grab some squeaky toys and some tennis balls and choose a bed. Still holding the little bundle of joy in my hands we walk to the counter for my parents to pay. The shop worker types in all the details and scans all the items.

"What would you like to name her?"

I look at my parents and then look at my little puppy.

"Grace." I state. I have always loved the name Grace.

The shop keeper nods and types in her name on the adoption sheet before she prints it. She signs the paper and then pushes the sheet to me to sign. I hand my mum Grace and sign the adoption sheet. I hand her back the pen and sheet where she slips in a paper sleeve. She hands dad the accessories we bought which he goes and places them in the car. Mum hands me back Grace when the shop worker hands mum the adoption sheet.

"Enjoy Grace". She says chirpy.

I smile and start walking to the car with Grace in my arms. My dad opens the door so I can hop in and holds Grace while I put my seatbelt on. We drive home and unpack the car with all of Graces things. I place Grace on the white tiles inside and set up her things.

I put Graces collar on and chuck the wrappings in the bin. I walk outside in the background where dad is starting to set up the mar key for my party. I grab some of the pieces to help him.


Once we finally finish setting up the mar kay we grab the tables and chairs form the garage and set them up as well. We dust of the chairs making sure there's no cob webs and dust on them seeing as they are never used. We grab the stereo from the office and put that outside near the window. We set up tubs of drinks outside and put some ice in them. Mum is inside making sure everything is tidy when the quests arrive.

"Done." Dad states as we look at the final product of everything set up outside.

I walk back inside and take a shower due to being hot and sweaty form setting everything up. Before I hop in the shower I take off the nail polish I'm already wearing so I can put some on after I'm out. I hop in the shower and wash my hair while I'm at it.

When I'm done I put my jumpsuit back on so I don't make my dress dirty that I'm wearing tonight. I grab my hot pink nail polish from my room and start painting my nails. I do two coats and put a clear coat on top so it won't chip as much.

Once my nails are al dry I set up my hair straightner in the bathroom to quickly straighten my hair even though it's pretty straight already. I turn the straightner off when I'm done and walk back into my room to get changed. I put on my pink dress I bought that matches my nail polish. I slip on my silver heels. I spray perfume and apply some blush and lip gloss. I take out my silver hoops and put in some silver dangly earrings and put on my silver bracelet and my infinity necklace. I slide my pink headband with a bow in my hair and tuck the little strands behind my ears. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I walk outside where my parents are which they are ready wearing black and white. I give a little spin around.

"You look beautiful." My mum chokes with tears in her eyes.

I give her a hug and grab the bowls of chips and lollies she has already served on the counter and put them on the tables outside.

Ding Dong! The door bell rings to the normal tune. I look at my parents and grin. Let the party begin.

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