Day 15

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We don't have classes but we, it's just Paige and Skye actually, decided to go to the library to do some research. I wasn't in the mood to see Paige. She did something I wouldn't do. I know, she just wanted to help nut in my eyes, a girl shouldn't do that. And it's weird to be even confessing your feelings towards another person. And I wasn't even prepared to be rejected. I mean I do knew he would reject me but it still hurts.

I asked myself if I was doing fine. Because no one bothered to asked me.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm not fine. I was never fine. I don't even know how to be fine anymore"

I started to cry. Silently. Just like I always do. I cried because it will help me ease the pain. I knew he wasn't the one for me but still I hoped he is. Or he could be.

I suddenly heard a knock. I wiped my tears. "Yes?" I answered the knock on my door. My mom opened the door and told me that my friends are here. I usually don't invite people at my house. I had only invited them here once or twice. It's amazing that they can still remember this place.

"Sorryyyyyyyyy!" Paige jumped on me. It shocked me that I had no time to response to her. She said she didn't really meant to do that. She just wanted to help but it seems like it worsen the situation.

"So..." She bit her lip hesitating to ask. "How.. are you?" She continued.

"To be honest, I am not fine. I do need help." I closed my eyes. "I just don't know anymore"

Paige and Skye hugged me. And they were telling me that it's okay. That it is fine to feel this way. Skye said that she knows a Psychiatrist-psychologist that could give me discounts for assessments and therapy sessions.

I was happy when they told me that. I felt good that there were people who are willing to support and help me, not judge me. I might not had the guy that I liked at the 15th day but I had a strengthened relationship with the people that I love and would cherish. My personality might be tainted for now but I know this will just make me a stronger person. I might not be in a romantic relationship right now but I know I got what's best. Friendship.


Author's Note:
It has been long overdue. Hahahaha. I wasn't really sure how I will end things. But I still have a prologue. Hope you guys like it! It is not a romance story though. Hehe. It's more of finding your true self? and Friendship. This will be the 2nd Story (That is not a one-shot) that I will finish. Thank you everyone :D

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