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"oh! It's raining" I heard one of my officemate. I automatically looked outside to see the weather. I sigh. It's not that I don't like raining. I love rain. It's just that I am wandering what am I doing in this field of work.

I had always imagine myself working in the clinical field. And I never imagined that I will be seated for a long long period of time. This is boring. Everything seems to repeat everyday. It doesn't have any thrill in it. I want some thrill in my life. I guess I'll be stuck here since I am a boring person. Suddenly I heard a plop. My phone then started to blink. Someone's calling me. I pulled my phone then looked at the caller.

Skye Calling....

'Should I answer?' I hesitated for awhile but I kinda gave in. Skye is my best friend so I probably should answer.


"Yo~!" Skye said on the other line. Some things just never change.

"Hey? Why'd you called?"

"Nothing! Nothing! It's just that, we have an alumni homecoming remember? And I know you don't like people, but me and Paige are going. It will be sad if you weren't there."

"It's like I don't even have a choice. You two are already coming. Will you two bring your boyfriends? Coz, that'll be unfair."

"Of course! But they'll be with their own friends. Just like the old times! Wait— does this mean you are going????"


I heard Skye squeal on the other end. She'll never change. And that's good. We talked about different things before we ended the call. What should I wear then?

After a tiring day at work, I got home. I threw myself on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I had been staring and imagining things ever since. I wonder of things would have been different if I had Paige's confidence or Skye's carefree attitude. Would I still be in this melancholic state? I turned to my side. And saw my cabinet open.

I went to the cabinet and started to look for a formal dress to wear for the party. I saw a dress I never wore. Might as well wear it on the said occasion.

The day finally came. I had filed an undertime leave today so that I can make it "on time". Skye said that I should be one time for a change. Being on time huh? I guess I am not good with the timing?

I walked inside the hotel. I asked the receptionist where would be the alumni home coming. She then pointed me to the stairs. She told me that the function room is at the second floor. I went up using the stairs. I then walk past the ushers. One usher looked familiar, her face lit up when she saw me. I guess she really is familiar?

"Rei!" She beemed. "I thought you wouldn't come. Most of us thought you wouldn't make it but I am glad you are here!" She half hugged me. I cringed, mentally. I really don't like being touched by strangers. I may had known her but I am not even sure. I thanked her after I registered.

As I went inside I looked for familiar faces. I saw Skye and Paige. They were with there boyfriends' group. They all smiled when they saw me. I smiled back. We talked about how our lives had been changed. And what are we up to now.

"uh? guys? Did you know? Ledger has a baby now?"

My head quickly turned when I heard his name. I don't feel anything anymore for him. I was just curious how he is doing.

"Huh? really? with whom?" Paige asked as she sipped her wine.

"With Katie. They have like 2 babies already but they aren't married and With another girl, I don't know the name but he has 2 babies from her too."

"Woah!? Good thing, Rei and Ledger never worked out. If they did, Rei might have 7 kids already!" Skye laughed frantically. I just shooked my head.

I excused myself and went to the wash room. I washed my hands then looked at the mirror.

"Wow! You look so stunning!" I looked at the familiar voice. I was shocked to see Wendy. She, she hasn't changed. She still look so young! "You don't look so bad yourself!" I gave her a compliment back.

"Oh. Haha" She scratched her head. "Thanks? I am not really used with compliments. Anyway, how are you?"

"I am fine?" I laughed nervously.

"Hey, you know? If you've got something inside. You can come to my husband's clinic. Technically, it is our clinic but I'll be recommending my husband to you since I could sense that I see myself in you."

"Uhh" I was too stunned to even talk. "Don't worry. I won't be asking for any payments. It's pro bono! haha. I just wanna help. Here is the address." She gave me a calling card. Her name was written there so as her husband's. I can't believe that she is a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist. She finished her MD, so as her MA and PsyD. If you are going to look at her face she looks like a high school student. So seeing her titles is too shocking.

"Uh! Thank you!" I bowed to her as I thank her.

She pulled me out the wash room. She told me she wants me to meet someone. She said it was a friend of her husband. A younger friend. And almost the same age with me. I couldn't disagree since she already have my hands.

"Rei, meet Kevin!" She pointed to a tall guy. He has a slender body. His hair is black as the night. His complexion is like a porcelain. That I almost envied him. "Kevin meet Rei!" The guy was also shocked by what's happening right now.

"Hey! Wendy! Stop playing cupid!" Justin went besides Wendy. He shook his head repeatedly before speaking again. "Can you stop with your cupid thingy? You know you aren't good at match making."

"But Oppa!" She pouted. I somewhat felt like I am watching a kdrama. Wait? Justin is her husband? They weren't touchy that's why I never thought that he was the husband. "If they liked each other they will. It's enough that you introduced them to each other" Justin played with Wendy's hair. To which Wendy smiled.

"You know, there are things that happen because they are bound to happen and not because we want to. And there are some inevitable goodbyes that we need to face so whe can have a new hello."

"Justin. Just stop. I don't like to hear your cheesiness! Guys, we'll just leave you okay? Byeeee~" The couple bid us a goodbye.

"oh? Hi?" Kevin offered a shy hand shake. I took his hands and shook it. "Hi? I guess?" I laughed. We talked about different things. For the first time, I don't feel awkward.

I then remembered what Justin said. Maybe, Ledger and I never made it because I might had continued to destroy myself or I would be drowned too much on depression. And maybe he really wasn't the one. I just wanted him. I don't what the future will hold but, I will trust it's for the betterment.


YEEYYYYY! This story is finally doneeee~ Second story to finish. (Aside from one shots) Took me a year to finish. I was too lazy to write. Heol!

Who plays Mystic Messenger? Hahaha. I am too excited for the V Route but it's already August 24 and yet still no sign of V. Hahaha. Anyways, Thank you for being with me guys! I love you guys :*

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