Day 1

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As I stare at the clock, I felt my heart beat, faster than how the clock ticks. I closed my eyes, thinking it could ease the anxiousness away but I know it wont. I looked at my phone. There quietly lying on my table. I don't usually care for my phone but right now I can't help but look at it ever minute.

"Hey! I'll play!" Jackson sat down beside me and touched my phone. I'm not usually this defensive but I can't let him borrow this for now.

"No, you can't"

I snatched my phone away and placed it on my chest pocket.

"Why? You always let me borrow tour phone, why not now?" He was so curious not because he care but because he wants to play. I don't know what to tell him. I am not good with lies. "Just just"

"Pft, okay I understand" He tried to snatch it but then he quickly stopped realizing it was on my chest pocket.

Ugh. He forgot that I am a girl again.


He just shrugged. Not feeling guilty at all. I know I had been used to this treatment. But I just don't feel fine. I don't. Since starting this thingy, I had always been so nervous.

Jackson's still sitting beside me. Doodling something. I didn't bothered looking at it, because I don't care. I don't want to care. I stood up. Not wanting to be with anyone. I heard Jackson calling my name but I didn't responded. I chose to seat at the back.

Far away from everyone. I just looked at the window. Why did I even agreed with this?


I wasn't sure if that was for me. I just looked at the window.

"Hey. Rei."

I slowly looked up at the sound of my name. I blink a few times. A few times more. I wanted to wash my eyes so that I could wake myself up from this dream.

"Hey, Rei, Someone sitting here?"

Is he talking to me? I don't know. Should I respond? What if he isn't talking to me? What if this is a dream? That's right! This is a dream.

I was just starring at him. Not doing anything. I heard him chuckle as he sat down beside me.

"I'll take that as a yes. Even though your face says no." He chuckled again. I just stayed quiet.

I gulped. Well, because I thought that would help but it didn't. I am still anxious. What if he asks about my wallpaper? What if he knows?

I unconsciously bumped my head, continuously, on my desk.

"You are cute" He kept on chuckling. "What?" My eyes widen.

"I think you are cute." He smiled at me. It felt really genuine. "Everything you do is cute"

I was taken aback. I didn't expected this. "Skye is cuter"

"Well, yeah she is. But so are you" He smiled at me again. I didn't know what to say, so I stopped responding.

The class just went on. And as the class ended, he said his goodbye to me. Which is unusual...

"yah! What was that?" Skye said as she was looking at Ledger's disappearing back. "Were you two talking?" Skye's face shows that she is really curious. I, myself is also asking lots of questions.

"I...." I shrugged. Trying to look for right words. "... don't know. He just talked to me and that's all..." I bit my lip. I felt the skin of my lips ripping. "All I know is this isn't a dream.. and he is talking to me"

"Which is for the first time!" Skye is still in state of shock.

"This is interesting" Paige smiled. I know that she is having lots if thoughts.

I guess this challenge is making some things possible? Or maybe I am just sleeping right now. This is all a dream and later I'll wake up.

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