Chapter 7

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I had the sense that someone was following me.

There was the clip-clop of my shoes against the smooth pavement as I made my way through town but there was also something else, the distinct sensation of someone watching you, a prickling at the base of your neck.

Cars whizzed by, the 5 o clock rush hour bringing a storm of honks and screeching tires.

Everyone had somewhere to be, preoccupied with their own lives so why then did I get the nagging feeling that someone was after me?

You're being paranoid.

There was a shopping center nearby with several stores lined up in a quaint little strip.

Everything from shoe stores, to a nail salon to even a pet shop.

I could see the place where I was headed now, the coffee shop, just one street away.

All I had to do was cross this intersection and cut past an apartment complex and I'd arrive to the place I'd set for my meeting with Christian.

Leaving the warmth of my coat pockets, I reached up and pulled my hoodie off. It was obstructing my peripheral vision and with my nerves on edge, no precaution could be considered silly.

I cut across the stop light, the orange hand flickering at the end.


The voice in my head was back.

My step faltered.

I gathered my bearings, looked around, found nothing out of the ordinary and pressed on.

The small group of people I'd crossed with parted ways. Most of them were heading to the strip mall and I was headed in the opposite direction, toward Starbucks.

Nearing the apartment complex, I heard footsteps behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder as inconspicuous as one could be when trying to scope someone out.

There was a man a few yards away.

He wore a big coat, his hood pulled over, creating a shadow over his face.

I sped up, trying to discern if his steps were speeding up also.

Though I could see a huge halo surrounding the coffee shop, the lighting here was crappy.

From the corner of the complex, a second man appeared. A tall man, confident shoulders, predatory gait.

My breathing sped up, eyes dashing back and forth. I forced my mind to think up an escape plan.

Both men were lean but I couldn't tell from here how tall. They could've fit the description from the men in the vision but panic wouldn't let me register the fine details.

I swallowed hard and muttered a curse word under my breath.

The steps behind me were growing louder.


I trampled over a bed of flowers and across a patch of grass, following the sidewalk into the complex, hoping to lose them behind a bush.

There was no mistaking it now, they were definitely following me.

With this realization, I broke into a full run.

I sprinted off down the path, my legs protesting from the strain, each muscle burning for rest.

My breath was coming in sharp, short rasps. There was a stitch in my side but I ignored it, preferring to suffer through a bit of pain than be dead.

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