The Demon Inside

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Heeeyyyyy guys!!!!!!! So chapter 8!!!!!!! Exciting!!!!!! Anywho enjoy! oh and I might end the book on chapter 20 or 30 so enjoy it while you still can and ROCK ON!!!!!!! :3


Chapter 8

I woke up in a crappy hotel room..... Well, where else would I be? Anyways, I turned over to find Dean asleep. He looked so adorable like a little kid. I stared at his beautiful face, his little freckles, he's beautiful, perfect.... Oh my gosh I'm such a girl.... I looked at him for a short while, until.... Nature called..... I got up to use the bathroom. I didn't want him to wake up. So, I tiptoed on the carpet floor, not wanting to make a sound. I got in and locked the door behind me and looked at my reflection.

"Ugh, I look gross." I groaned. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. I looked up to see black smoke. A demon. I turned around, but it suddenly became dark. I later woke up, but I wasn't myself. I had no control of my body. What the? I thought I had my antipossession tattoo? What the heck! I'm mad now! I'm turning into the Incredible Hulk right now! "HELP!" I screamed. I cried, and cried for help. But, no one could hear me. I sat there, in my own head, watching the demon screw with my life. I watched everything, from the demon pretending to be me and made me wear girly clothes!!!!!! The way I dressed, the way I acted! It annoyed me! Dean even wanted to shoot me! This SUCKS, I'm trapped in the corner of my mind, and unable to do anything, anything! But I wasn't going to give up! I cried, and cried, and cried for help. The things she made me do sickened me. She made me kill helpless people for no reason. At night while Dean, Sam, and Sammie were asleep..... She would flash out of the motel room and go out into the streets and torture people, and even kill them. It was terrifying, it was like I was back in hell! I cried every time there was blood on my hands. I couldn't stand the pain of people being me. Their blood..... on MY hands! I would scream at her, asking her, begging for her to stop. But all she would do.... was ignore my pleads and continue, as if she was doing it so that I would watch. I was hopping, praying, that this would end. And that it would end.... Soon....

*A Few Weeks Later*

It's been a few weeks since the demon had possessed me. I'm still pissed, by the way! Anyways, we were on another hunting trip.... Searching for a demon. Turns out that the demon we were looking for was actually possessing me. I mean seriously! She's right there in front if you! So 'I' was at the motel, everyone was minding their own. Then, when no one was looking, the demon made my body walk into the bathroom by myself.

"I thought I had my antipossession tattoo you freak!" I shouted bitterly at her. She smiled evilly as she looked at herself or me.

"Well, miss Wesson. You have your ways of torturing..... and we have ours." She grinned evilly.

"Wait, you burned it off?" I said with confusion.

"Yes! Yes! Well, I did but you know." She said, evil in her voice.

"You know pride comes before destruction, right?" I said with a smirk.

"Oh, I know. But, this is YOUR destruction, Wesson." she said her eyes turning black then back to normal.

"Anyways, how did you get it off?" I asked with a fake interested expression.

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "We find ways, Deana Wesson. We find ways." I was angered by her reply.

"Well, Dean will figure it out! If not, then Sammie will!" I shouted bitterly. She laughed, a terrifying laugh.

"We'll see about that." She said with a smirk.

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